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Request by: BEAst5SOSPhangirl: Can you do one where every night Nico disappears from camp half blood and the rest try to find out where he has gone. They find out he's doing gigs in a pub and that particular night when the rest show up Nico dedicates a love song to Will. (They aren't together yet). And make it all cute and fluffy

(I obviously replied yes, but said 'I need to add in some angst, cause I'm me')

So, I learnt of this band (Starset) when I was reading a story on here, and well, A. I really enjoyed the song, and B. The way said song was written into the story was just. . . spectacular. Usually if I'm on my phone I won't listen to a song, because I can't listen and play (stupid wattpad), but I had to because I was so curious. Anyways, I'd give you the author and the book name, if I could remember who they are. . . I read to many!!! All I can say is the name of the song was My Demons, so, if you're reading this, thank you for introducing me to this band, and please let me know, so I can dedicate this chapter to you properly! This is for you!

UPDATE: Figured out who it was (At least, I hope this is the right person 😐 lol) This is dedicated to OhtheInsanity

Will pouted, heart hurting as he looked at where his best friend, Nico, was supposed to be sitting. He said he'd be at the campfire tonight! Will sighed, half-heartedly letting his hands strum the chords to Green Day's "Good Riddance" (Time of Your Life).

Will frowned, but he sang with his camp mates, the lyrics to Imagine Dragons' "It's Time" flowing off his tongue, eyes flitting from the neck of his guitar to the still empty spot in the stands that he had reserved for his crush.

Will scowled, moving his pick rougher than necessary, as he played Journey's "Don't Stop Believing", but that was exactly what Will was beginning to do. Because Nico wasn't there even though he promised. Again.

Will refused to play, guitar sitting cold in his lap, hand resting on top it it, head down. Still no Nico. Everyone sang around him, the fire glowing a magnificent color of happiness, but its sparks were a dark sadness. Will tried not to cry, resolving himself to stop asking the son of Hades to come, because promise after promise was broken.

"Hey, Will, I think I know where Nico is going."

Will's head shot up, and he stopped walking towards the infirmary, where his shift was starting in ten minutes. He turned, looking at Percy with a calculating gaze.

"Where?" His voice was desperate. The answer that Percy gave almost made him want to not know anymore.

A club. Fyi, never been to a club, so if this is wrong, I apologize

"Chiron, please!" Will begged. "He is! He's leaving camp!"

"You do not think I know this already Will?" Chiron shifted from hoof to hoof, tail swishing in agitation. Will had been begging him to go for over ten minutes now, finally pulling the 'I can prove to you he's leaving camp' card.

Will sputtered, "You knew!"

Chiron frowned down at him. "Of course I do, he is the musical entertainment there every Friday."

Will's heart slowly began picking itself up. That was why Nico was never at the campfire! He was at a - he was still lying to Will. Some of the pieces fell back down.

"Chiron, can I please go?"

Chiron huffed, stamping a hoof unconsciously. "Fine, fine. But bring Annabeth with you at the very least."

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