Three Days pt. 2

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As requested: Three Days, pt. 2!

I sighed, staring at the ceiling of my cabin. It'd been a month since I was released from the infirmary, and Will and I had gotten really close. I was still confused on what Will meant when he said he liked me. Did he mean like a friend? Or something more? I didn't know, and I didn't want to be hurt again, and last week, I realized I was falling for him. And falling hard. I couldn't have a repeat of what happened with Percy. So I distanced myself.

It'd been a week since I had talked to, much less gone within five feet of Will Solace. And I was falling apart. Both mentally, and physically. I pushed myself too hard in training, and ate to little. Closing my eyes, I willed the lightheadedness away, gritting my teeth. It didn't help. The mix of overworking, and under eating was taking its toll.

There was a hesitant knock, and I let out a groan, the headache throbbing more violently at the noise. The door opened, and I whimpered, the light from outside making my head throb.

I flinched. The last person I wanted to see. Will Solace himself.
The door closed, and I heard the soft click of the automatic lock. Speaking of which, how did he get in? He didn't have a key. The sharp clatter of something being dropped onto the table near the door sent sparks off behind my eyelids, but I managed to catch a glimpse of Stygian iron, the only way to enter the cabin - and it's in the underworld itself. Hazel must of given it to him.
I didn't realize I'd shrieked, until I felt warm hands on my face, and saw Will's worried face hovering over me.

"Nico, what- Oh." His voice immediately lowered with the last word, his fingers running lightly over my temple, causing me to shiver, as Will got my 'diagnosis'.
I nodded, eyes still closed, head pounding. Will let out a quiet hum, and climbed over me, to lay on his side, back against the wall. He pulled me to him, gently turning me onto my side, and pulling me into his chest. I was under the covers, while he lay on top of them, but that didn't stop me from being tense. Will ran one hand through my hair soothingly, his other propping up his head. I gripped his shirt, the waves of pain rolling through my head, and bumping into things like pin-balls.

Will hummed a hyme, and the pain lessened enough for me to sleep.

When I woke up, I was encased in warmth. Confused, I shifted, only to find my way barred. Something heavy and warm was flung over the dip of my waist, and another was under my head. I blinked, my vision fuzzy with yellow, and I shifted my head back just enough to see what was going on. When I did, my face felt like it was on fire, which meant it was bright red.
Will Solace was asleep, and I was wrapped in his arms.
I squirmed, embarrassed though he was asleep. I tried escaping his grasp, but I only managed to turn over onto my other side, before Will mumbled something incoherent, and pulled me back into his chest, so we were spooning. That didn't help my blush, causing the tips of my ears turned red too.
Will's arm stayed tightly around my waist, his other under the pillow his head was on. I sighed, but Will was warm, and I was still tired. I realized he's not under the blankets, but he probably doesn't need them. I snuggled back into him, resting my head on my pillow, curled under the blankets and tried to steal Will's warmth.

The next time I awoke, I was cold. I blinked blurrily, and realized that Will wasn't next to me. I sighed, not really surprised. But then why do I feel like I was ditched after a one night stand?
I shivered at the thought, turning onto my other side, to see the kitchen light was on. I frowned, knowing it wasn't on last time I checked.

There was a crash from said kitchen, and I jumped out of bed, only to fall back onto my butt with a gasp. Headrush. Someone began swearing in Greek, sounding much like my vocabulary, and I smiled lightly at the thought of how bad of an influence I'd been on a certain blonde.
Speaking of the blonde, he appeared in the kitchen door frame, a light blush dancing on his cheeks, the corner of his mouth dimpled from smiling shyly.
"Did I wake you?"
I shook my head, successfully standing up, and walking to him. I felt his gaze wander, and realized I was only wearing sweatpants, that rode low on my hips showing the elastic of my boxers. It was my turn to blush, crossing my arms self consciously, the scars standing out on my skin, which had gotten some of its Italian tan back, from being forced to be in the sun.
Will smirked lightly, before walking to me. I gulped, looking up at him from under my dark fringe, vision slightly blocked by thick black strands.

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