She Said No

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Dedicated to fairyaverage, and QueenLisaH_, for dealing with me at 1:30 in the morning!!

I know this is really out of character (for her), but just, yeah. I know.

No. She said no.

My brain short-circuited, and I stared at her.

"No?" I repeated, my voice shaking. She shook her head.

"No." Her voice was firm, eyes cold. "When I met you, sure, I was happy for you guys, but I didn't think it would last this long." She sighed. "You must understand, Nico, you're not good for him. I'm sorry, but no."

I nodded. She was telling me exactly what I was afraid of, and knew. He deserved better. I swallowed, rubbing my hands on my jeans.

"Right." I said, my voice coming out as a whisper. I cleared my throat. "OK." I stood up, and walked to the front door. I hesitated with my hand on the handle. "Thank you Ms. Solace." I opened and closed the door before she could say anything else. I shakily walked down the steps, and then the front walk, my mind in a daze.

No. She said no.

What am I supposed to do? Do I break it off? Do I ask him? Do I tell him?!
I began to panick, and when I looked around, I realized I'd walked a couple blocks from the house, and there was a bench a couple feet away.

I sat down, knowing my brain was a jumbled mess, and I wouldn't be able to shadow travel. Getting up, I stumbled my way into an alley, and called Mrs. O'Leary. She appeared with a bark, and I gave her a watery smile.

No. She said no.

"Hey girl." I mumbled, petting her head. She nudged me, whining, and I shrugged. "Mind giving me a ride?" I hoisted myself up, and told her to go back to the apartment.

We appeared in a rush, and there was a yelp.

"Nico?" My name was muffled, and I slid down from Mrs. O'Leary.

"Sorry." I said, trying to sound normal.

No. She said no.

Mrs. O'Leary shrunk to a mastiff size, and I was able to see Will, who had been stuck under the mass of fur on the couch. He got up, and walked over to me.

"Hey. Where'd you go?"

No. She said no.

"I um," What do I say? I bit my lip as my eyes filled with tears.

"Nico?!" Will said alarmed, stepping forwards, and wrapping me in a hug before I could push him away.

No. She said no.

"Nico, what's going on?"

I gripped his shirt, and shoved my face into his neck. "She said no Will."

"What? Who said no to what?"

I sobbed, wrapping one arm around his neck, the other still gripping his shirt. Will wrapping his arms tighter around me, and lead me to the couch. He sat, and I straddled him, still crying.

"OK, shhh, Nico, it's OK." He gently rubbed circled on my back, his other arm still around my waist. "Nico, tell me what's going on. Please."

I lifted my head, sniffling. He handed me a kleenex, and I wiped my nose. Mrs. O'Leary came over, trying to see what was wrong, like normal a dog would. I couldn't help but laugh as she nudged me with her flat cold nose.

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