Olympics = No Sex

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Yes the title is blunt. Deal ;)

Nico is a gymnast, requested by lambs_zo way to long ago to be OK

Nico gritted his teeth as he adjusted his grip on the high bar, of the uneven bar. He pulled himself up, locking his core and elbows, muscles rippling under his warm-olive skin. He leaned forwards, resting just on his pelvic bone, before quickly bending his elbows, and letting the bar glide through his fist, bending his knees, before abruptly stopping, allowing his body to do a single flip, instead of multiple. He brought his body back down, keeping his legs at a ninety-degree angle in front of him, then bending them, and swinging twice, before launching himself forwards.

For a terrifying moment, he thought he missed the low bar, but then his hands grasped it firmly, and he snapped his legs together, using the last of his momentum, to swing himself up over the bar, stilling on top, so he was doing a handstand, and gently turned one wrist to face away from him, before quickly doing the same with the other wrist, effectively turning him around, so when he was hanging, he was facing the high bar. He did this in a matter of seconds, before allowing himself to drop again, keeping his hips against the post, opening his legs for balance and control, and after completing the rotation, he planked, but didn't take his hands off the bar.

The only sound in the room was the gentle creaking of the bar, and Nico's breaths, which were short, as he focused at the task at hand, ignoring the tight leotard, just glad it was a tank-top, for rotational ability, on top, but long on his legs, and he could wear track pants over it - though he still prefered jeans.

He adjusted his grip, feeling the powder under his hands give him more access, and leaned more forwards, balancing tediously, hardly daring to breath, before he quickly brought his body weight back, and swung himself to the high bar, twisting so he went headfirst in the short distance, and grabbing onto it one-handed, using his hips to twist up so he was ninety degrees out from the bar, immediately catching the said bar with his other hand. He swung once more around the bar, before flipping back to the low bar, doing another handstand, bending his back, allowing himself to swing down, knees bent, before he shifted, and swung forwards, dismounting perfectly, one leg in front of the other, hands above his head.

Nico jolted as applause filled the air. It was supposed to be just him. He looked around, eyes landing on a blond leaning in the doorway. Nico's lips pulled up in a grin, as he stepped gingerly off the mat, and met the blond halfway.

"You're not supposed to be here." Nico said, but he couldn't keep the smile from his face. The blond was supposed to be back home in NYC, while Nico was here in Rio, for the Olympics.

Will shrugged. "I managed to convince my boss that I'd be helpful here, you know, incase someone gets hurt," He said, looking pointedly at Nico, muttering to quiet for said boy to hear; "again."

Nico narrowed his eyes, having a feeling about what Will said, but ignored it, replacing it with happiness Will was here. "Kiss me."

Will burst into laughter. "Jeez, demanding much?"

Nico pouted. "It's been over a month! Dumb Olympics."

Will rolled his eyes. "You're lucky you kn-" Will was cut off, as Nico grew impatient, pressing his lips to the taller boy's, neither of them caring Nico was covered in sweat, relaxing against each other. Nico twirled his hands into Will's hair, getting chalk mixed into the almost white hair. Will responded by tugging Nico closer by his waist, slipping his fingers under the elastic of the pants. Will swiped his tongue against Nico's lips, and the shorter male didn't even put up a fight, only pulling Will closer, as he opened his mouth. They fought for dominance, but Will squeezed Nico's waist, and Nico surrendered with a needy whimper.

Eventually, the two pulled away, leaning their foreheads against each other, breathing hard. Nico stepped away, effectively pulling Will's fingers from just under the waistband - not that he could of done anything, Nico was wearing a one piece under afterall - and started towards the changing room, grabbing his towel and water as he went, throwing a smoldering glance over his shoulder. Will quickly followed, and Nico smirked.

Nico changed quickly, ignoring the hungry look from his fiance. Once Nico was done, he found his back against the lockers.

"Hi." Will murmured, voice deeper than normal. Nico rolled his eyes, but traced his hand over Will's collar bone from outside his shirt.

"No." Nico said simply, and Will pouted.

"Why?" He whined, nudging his face into Nico's neck.

"Because I still have to perform all of my acts - floor, uneven bars, rings, and balance beam!" Will let out a whimper, kissing Nico's neck, the black haired boy ignoring the shiver that went through him, and continued talking, pulling Will's head away before he could leave a mark. "And I can't have my ass hurting! I won't perform right!"

Will sighed over dramatically, before nodding. He looped his fingers through the belt loops of Nico's skinny-jeans, tugging the shorter boy's hips flush to his. "I guess I'll have to take care of this on my own. . ." Will trailed off, hiding the smirk as lust flashed through Nico's eyes. The boy glared up at Will, his onyx eyes blazing.

He cursed under his breath, before pushing his lips to Will's. "Fine. I'll help. But no sex. I'm not losing for Italy on account of your hornyness!" Will laughed, but agreed. He dragged Nico outside, the two blinking at the brightness, before Will dragged Nico to his rental car.

Let's just say, both boys were very satisfied by the end of the night. 

Nico got gold in most of his events, and two silvers in the other two. He performed an advanced version of what he practiced when Will was there, and his floor routine, was almost perfect - he'd shifted on one of his landings - the rings he did amazing on, and the beam he had to readjust himself twice.

And afterwards, the night before they flew home, Nico caved under Will's insistence - read as teasing - and they celebrated for most of the night. Nico didn't care that it was the longest flight of his life the next day, because it was all worth it.

Honestly, idek what that ending was. I apollogize, and will probably go back and change it later - I just wanted to get this up as quick as possible, since the prompt for Nico as a gymnast has been sitting here forever (oops).

Solangelo One ShotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz