Chapter 1

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Hey guys I am starting my second story I will be doing a better job then the last one! I hope you guys enjoy it I love the feed back I get it really helps me improve! Please vote and feel free to follow me on here I do follow everyone who follows me back. Well lets continue on with the story!  Up above is the outfit Ariana wears to work, down bellow at the end of this chapter are the pictures of the characters.

"Finally" I said as I flopped down on my couch in my new apartment. I had moved out of my dads house after graduation, I wanted to be more independent. That being said I got a job as an assistant at a big time business. I didn't really know what I wanted to do yet but I needed to work, the job payed well I also didn't mind the task at hand. I was ready for my first day at my new job tomorrow I was just a little nervous, I hadn't met the person I would be assisting yet. "I can do this" I said to myself as I layed on the couch. I got up and headed off to be it was really late and I had to be there for 9 am tomorrow morning. The worst part about it was it was an hour and a half bus ride for me to get there, I couldn't afford a car so the bus would have to do. I woke up the next morning feeling a bit drowsy and tired, I needed to get used to the early mornings now. I grabbed a towel and headed for the shower, the shower felt great and really helped wake me up sadly it ended to soon. I needed to fix my hair and make up, I had naturally darker skin and brown hair that was wavy. I decided to give my hair a few lose curls, I then slipped on a black form fitted dress and black heels. I couldn't help that I had amazing curves and made everything look so sexy, I knew I couldn't look this hot in the office so I added a blazer jacket. "perfect" I said to myself before grabbing my phone and bag and heading out the door. I had to run to make the bus and today was my lucky day. The ride was long and boring so I threw in some headphones and listened to some music. Before I knew it I was at the office, at my interview I had I was told to head to the front desk and state my name and they would take me up to my new boss. "Hello my name is Ariana Williams I am the new personal assistant" I said to the girl at the front desk. She looked at me with shock " your Mr. Martinez's new assistant"? "um I believe so " I said. "wow Natalia only lasted a week that's a new record or something" She said in amazement, I really didn't know what she meant about Mr. Martinez what's wrong with him? "what's wrong with Mr. Martinez?" I asked. " He is a total player he has slept with almost all of his past assistants and now they are all fired or gone". "hmm" I couldn't think of anything to say to that I couldn't really judge him I hadn't even met the man yet. We came to the top floor where the young girl lead me to an office the door read "Alejandro Martinez CEO". Just his name gave me chills what was this man really like? The girl knocked on the door "Mr. Martinez I have you new assistant here" she said very calm it felt like she was almost scared to disturb him or something. "Send her in" a deep voice said the girl opened the door for me but not before whispering "good luck". I walked into the office and came face to face with the sexiest man alive he looked like a god. He wore a blue suit and tie his dark brown hair was slicked back, he had a bit of facial hair that made him look even sexier. "You must be Ariana Williams my new personal assistant" he said breaking me form my train of thought. "Yes I am" I said trying not to think about what he looked like under the suit and tie. "follow me" he said and lead me to a side door from his office, it was a small office with a full window view on new York city. "This will be your office you will work Monday to Friday 9 am to 5pm on a normal day unless we have to stay later, I will have you bring me a coffee from the coffee room every morning before you come to your office any questions?" I shook my head I felt like I was more his slave then assistant really, "good then you can start working now". He walked away and returned with a stack of paper work and files and set them on my desk. " I want these filed and all retyped as soon as possible", I looked over at the huge stack of papers this could take me forever to do. "I will get on it right away sir" all he did was nod and turn back to his office. I sat down in my chair and sighed he was one hard core man, I went to leave to grab a coffee form the coffee room but stopped to ask if he would like one. "Mr. Martinez" I asked "lost or giving up already?" he asked, he really was a jerk. "No sir I was going to grab a coffee would you like one as well?" he seemed shocked by my act of kindness "please he said 2 cream 1 sugar" I nodded and headed out to find the coffee room. I really didn't know where to look so I headed down to the front desk to ask the girl from earlier. "umm excuse me I am looking for the coffee room do you know where it is?" she smiled and nodded "yea i can take you down there by the way my name is Carly". I smiled at her she seemed nice " I am Ariana my friends call me ari".  We both walked down the hallways until we came to a small coffee room, I grabbed 2 grey mugs and poured cream and sugar in them. "thanks Carly" I said she seemed nice like someone I could make friends with,"yea sure anytime" she said as she left and went back to work, I had better to the same I though and headed back up stairs. I walked into Mr. Martinez's office to find him on the phone yelling at someone, "I DONT FUCKING CARE WHAT IT TAKES I WANT THIS DEAL MADE...NO NO I WANT IT IN PAPERS GET IT DONE OR YOUR DONE!" he then hung up the phone. I walked in quite and set the coffee down and went back to doing my work ignoring the insane yelling war I walked into. Hours later it was finally break time is still had a ton of work to do yet, the plan was to grab something from the place across the road and continue working. I stood up and grabbed my purse and was about to leave when, " where do you think your going?". His voice echoed through out the office, " I am going to get lunch its 12:30 sir". He nodded "here" he handed me a credit card "grab me lunch too anything is good with me" I nodded "yes sir". I left to the little place across the street, it was small but looked good I got myself a chicken ceaser  salad and for Mr. CEO I got him a turkey sandwich on wheat. I headed back over to the office and handed Mr. Martinez his lunch and card all he did was nod not thank you?!? I didn't let it bug me to much though I had to get back to work. I got into a routine of printing and running back and forth form my office and Mr. Martinez's office to file everything. Before I knew it 5pm hit and it was time to head home. "good night Mr. Martinez" I said waving as I left he just nodded with a small smile. I made my way outside hugging my jacket close it was a little chilly for the beginning of July. I walked over to the bus stop to wait for the next bus to come, I hated bussing at night the later it got the less they came. I just hoped he didn't keep me past 8pm ever because then I would have to walk home it was a 45 minute to an hours walk to get  home. I sat at the bench and thought about how my day went, it wasn't that bad I could do this no matter what my father thought.


I watched as Ariana left the office she was really hot like sexy. It was true I slept with most of my assistants but to be fair most of them where low life whores anyways. She seemed different she was kind and hard working, she did almost 2 days worth of work in one day. She didn't stop to go hang out with people and eat lunch she ate and worked. I saw a future for her here she showed promise. I watched her leave the building from the window, she didn't walk to a car but to the bus stop by the office. She didn't drive? What made her so different I didn't know much of her so I called up a friend "hello" "hey can you do a check on a miss Ariana Williams?" I wanted to know everything about her, "sure can and I will have them to you tomorrow". I hung up the phone and continued to watch her she was so different.

This is Ariana Williams age 18

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This is Ariana Williams age 18

Alejandro Martinez age 28

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Alejandro Martinez age 28

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