chapter 7

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Up above is my favorite youtubers niki and gabi  this is there hit song they did together first

I spent the rest of my weekend being sad and alone, I went jogging in the mornings to wake myself up. I dreaded Monday but it came, I Stepped off the bus outside of the office building. I didn't want to face him but I had too. I went and said hi to Carly she went on about the guy she had met at the club and how they had a date over the weekend and another one tonight. I just stood there and nodded my head, I then went and go coffee's for me and Alejandro. I walked into his office to find him not there he must have been running late so I set the office on his desk and went to do my work. Alejandro was never late for work but today he didn't show up until 10:30, he walked in like he was right on time. Had he forgot he had a meeting to attend today, "sir you have a meeting at 11:00 are you ready for it" I asked him. He looked up at me with a smile "hello to you to Ariana and yes I am I am sorry I am late I had a date with Natalia we went to brunch" he said. I really didn't care so I just nodded my head "that's lovely sir but the meeting are you ready?" I asked again, he just brushed off my question and went on about his weekend with Natalia. I really didn't care why was he telling me all this about her and him, I wanted to scream in his face that I hated him for making me love and care about him....wait did I just say love?! "sir I must get back to work" I said and walked away, I didn't think I could take anymore talk about Natalia. I continued to work until it was time to go to the meeting, I sat on the side like always and did my job. The meeting went on longer then expected when we got out it was 12:45, Alejandro and I walked in silence back to the office together. He looked as if he was going to say something to me when the blonde headed little twit came springing out of his office. "There you are I have been waiting for you forever your office is so boring you know" Natalia said to Alejandro, he looked a little shocked and annoyed to see her up here. I walked back to my office and continued to work, I didn't really feel like eating so I skipped lunch. I really had been eating for the past couple days but I wasn't going to let it bug me. Natalia stayed and bugged Alejandro for what felt like forever, he finally told her he had to attend more boring meetings this evening and that he would text her later. She finally left not seeing any worth in waiting for him to get out. I kept working hopping Alejandro wouldn't come bug me anytime soon I was so close to going home. Good thing too I was starting to feel light headed I must have been really tired. I printed off the last paper for todays meeting file and was going to go file it I bent down to place it in the drawer but the light headed feeling came back. I fell to the floor and everything went black.


I hated having Natalia bugging me all the time, I was never late for work but she insisted we go for brunch together. When I arrived I saw Ariana and tried everything to make her jealous but nothing worked on her. I knew we had a connection we did it happened in Rio but I guess it stayed there. I kept trying to think of ways to get to her, I was going to make a move but before I could Natalia sprung up. She wouldn't leave she wanted to have sex in my office but I didn't want that I though I had gotten rid of her when I fired her as my assistant. She now though of us as dating I guess I didn't see it. I wanted Ariana to be my girl the one I woke up to every morning and fell asleep with every night. Just around the time she was done for work she walked in with a file, I watched her every move she was just to sexy not to watch. She looked a little pale but she looked super hot when she bent over. All my thoughts were broken when she fainted on the floor. I jumped from my desk and lifted her up and set her on my desk, she looked so pale and tired looking. My angel I wanted to protect her and make her my one thing I cared about. " Ariana wake up" I said "come on wake up" I kept trying to wake her up. I was about to give up hope when her beautiful sparkly green eyes fluttered open. 

I cant believe I fainted in his office, I woke up on something hard I remember being on the ground and that was carpet. I let my eyes flutter open and they met with a pair of dreamy blue ones, they looked like an ocean after a storm. "what happened" I said as I sat up from now what appears to be his desk. " you fainted on the floor so I brought you over to my desk are you alright Ariana" he asked me. If I was smart I would have said no and told him how I felt but what I did say was " yea I am fine just a little tired I think" and I leaped off the desk trying not to fall again. I just wanted to go home and sleep and now eat something. I didn't say anything more to Alejandro I just went straight home on the bus. When I arrived home I jumped into the shower the hot water felt nice on my skin. When I got out I slipped on small sleep shorts and a tee shirt, I kept my hair up in a bun. I looked around my kitchen and nothing really caught my eye for food really and I didn't really want leave my house. All of a sudden a knock came to my door, I wasn't expecting anyone right now. I walked over to the door and opened it just a bit to see who was there. I looked through the small crack in the door way to see Alejandro, " what are you doing here" I asked opening the door all the way. " You don't think I know you haven't been eating right normal people just don't faint" he said to me, I put my head down I knew for a fact he was right. " Ok so your right did you come all this was to tell me that" I said I really wanted to know why he was acting as if he cared he picked Natalia right? " I brought you some food for us" he said stumbling a bit on his words. I felt my stomach rumble " sure come on in" I said and opened the door for him, I hopped that Natalia wouldn't find out about this. We sat on the couch eating Chinese take out and laughing. We had so much in common we sat there for hours laughing and talking. I didn't want the night the end in the mist of the moment we both moved in to kiss each other. This was it I was going to get my prince charming, our lips were just about to touch until his phone went off. I looked down to see Natalia's name I jumped up in shock I cant be doing this, no matter how much I wanted him he would never be mine. When he go off the phone he turned to look at me " I need to go Natalia is wondering where I am" he said " yea I will see you at work tomorrow thank you for the dinner" I said to him. " Ariana wait I want you to be mine I don't want Natalia I have always wanted you" he said to me, I  didn't know what to say. I wanted to yell that I loved him but that's not what  said, " We can't be together we will never work" I said to him. His face dropped " we can work Ari I don't want any other woman besides you" he said I wanted to jump into his arms and kiss him but I couldn't Natalia was right I came from a poor family and he would always come from money. " I don't come from money Alejandro I am poor I grew up in the slums of new York" I said he needed to understand but he looked at me like nothing could break him away from me. " Fine" I said and grabbed his car keys from his hand, " we are going for a little ride" I said grabbing his arm and dragging him to the car. I drove all the way to were I grew up, gangs and prostitutes stood in the streets where kids played. " This is where I come from Alejandro I was 4 when my dad left my mom and took me too". My father yelled and fought with me but he wanted the best for me something he knew wouldn't fall from under me. Alejandro didn't was anything he just looked around as I drove, I felt like after this he wouldn't want me any more. "If your still trying to throw me off Ari its not working you may come from this but it doesn't mean that you like this." he said. I felt my heart flutter he did care about me, I didn't know what to say or do for that matter anymore. " Ariana please be mine...I....I love you" he said and brought his head down next to mine, "yes" I whispered out and kissed him hard and passionate. Nothing else matter in this moment I was finally happy I got my prince charming. I drove home right after we sat in the silence until I broke it " what about Natalia" I asked. " I never wanted her she just forced herself on me over and over again I will break her heart tonight" he said. I nodded and kissed him good night, slept like I was on cloud that night.

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