chapter 17

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5 years time skip

"Mom" my 9 year old son yelled to me from the other room, "my love" my adoring husband yelled from another. "Mommy" my little 5 year old daughter yelled too. Being a mom and wife was hard work I didn't get to escape ever. Alejandro got to go to work and would be free of children. I had then all day, weekends I was able to have more free time which I used to clean. Alejandro enjoyed taking Xander to work with him her and there. The boy knew of his father's legacy and that some day it could all be his. Roseanna being 5 didn't care for it but prefer to be with me. I liked having a daughter but I wished she might be older so I could have someone to spend real girl time with. She was still young and cared only for her dolls and my little pony toys. I had to hand it to her she had alejandro wrapped around her little finger. She had her room decorated in the theme of pink princess. Alejandro loved his babies and so did I.

"What is it your all yelling at me for something" I yelled to the whole house. "Mom I need to find my soccer ball" Xander said to me. He enjoyed playing with his friend jasper, "it's still outside where you left it last time baby" I said to him. He ran out the door to the back yard in search of his ball. "Love I need my files for my meeting today and I would love to know where you put my tie" alejandro said coming over to her killing her forehead. "The files are in your office where I put them to keep safe and which tie do you mean?" I asked him. He had so many and he just thought I know them all by heart. "The blue" he said to me heading to the office, "the one that looks good with your eyes is were I put it away" I yelled to him. I swear no one just looks they have to make me look first. "Mommy will you play with me" my youngest said with a arm full of toys. She would see fun I saw a mess for me to later clean. I looked around me I and dove into the nearest room. I can't wait for them to grow up. Was all I could think about.

18 years later

I can't belive my babies have grown up! Xander was moved out and 27 on his own and working with his father. I missed them as babes when I could hold them and love them again. Alejandro was still working with Xander as heads of the company. Alejandro didn't want to give it up right away but I wished he would I wanted to have him to myself. My once young daughter was now engaged to non other then jasper Xander best friend. Xander was not happy when they started dating but later preferred him then anyone else. I was happy for my children but my worry layer with Xander. I wasn't a blind fool I could read the magazines and tabloids he was a know playboy like his father. I worried he might be worse.


"Dad go home see mom it's Friday take a early weekend" I told him he was older now and him and mom needed time to be together. "Alexander I am fine but maybe it would be nice will you do fine with jasper here" he questioned me. He was stepping down soon to retire, yet he still worried for me my little sister and the company. "Yes now go" I told him he walked out of the office leaving me alone. I grabbed my cell and called up jasper from downstairs. "Jas let's grab coffee" I said before heading out, jasper and I have been friends since kindergarten. We always went to a dinner not to far from the building. It was 50s themed but had good food. We always has milkshakes there as kids and now as adults coffee and lunch or breakfast. I met my friend in the lobby of them building, we headed on over to the little cafe.

It was warm and cozy feeling when you entered the waitress Nancy was always there she was an older lady who had curly hair blonde hair with streaks of grey. She knew us by heart whenever we came in. "So Xander you sister has been going crazy with wedding planning and such but she wants to know if your bringing a date?" Jasper asked me as we slipped into a booth. "Jas you know me I would never bring a date I rather meet some single brides maids" I joked. Jasper and my sister hated my life choices they wanted to settle and have a family I didn't. I wanted to be free and roam with out being chained down. "I wish you would open up your heart and mind a little more Xander" jasper said. I went to answer but was stopped by a young girl. She might have been 18 or 19 she had soft blonde hair that was slightly curly thrown into a messing pony tail. Her eyes were a soft light brown they hid behind dark long lashes. He skin was soft looking as if she were an angel. She looked shorter as she might only come up to my chest and shoulders. She looked some what tired but didn't let it stop a smile breaking through. "Good afternoon my name is Ashley and I'll be your waitress today" she said with a tired smile. She was quite pretty even if she looked tired and like a bit of a mess. "I'll have a coffee" jasper said handing her the menu I was so lost in my mind about the girl in front of me I didn't here jasper calling my name. "Xander! You getting a coffee" jasper said to me breaking me from my trance. "What oh yes um coffee for me as well miss" I said handing her the menu. I gave her one of my charming smiles before she walked away to grab the coffee. "Xander I saw the way you looked at her" jasper said with a grin on his face. I didn't have time to answer, Ashley came back over with her tray and coffee. She set the mugs down and began pouring the coffee for us. Jasper kept giving me little glances and winks. I didn't have anything for the waitress no matter how cute she was.


I poured the coffee keeping my mind and eyes focused on the task. The gentleman were both quite handsome but the one with a dark hair and blue eyes was catching my eye. They both looked quite fancy in suits. " there ya go call me if you need anything" I said giving the best smile I could. I was tired from all the shifts I have been working. "Oh hey hun could you cover that table there and bring out there food" Nancy asked. She was sweet to me so I couldn't say no. I grabbed a tray full of food and headed for the table. I felt nervous walking past the gentlemen at the table. The dark haired man gave me a striking smile as I walked by. I tried to hid the smile but it was to hard. I kept walking to the table to deliver the food, I then saw sitting there the one person I didn't want to see. The one man that hurt me more then anything, Andrew McCloud. I wanted to turn around and run but was tripped by his foot from under the table. I fell to the ground and was covered in food, the girl that sat next to him laughed like crazy. I couldn't help but start to cry, everyone was looking and laughing at me. I ran from the dinner not bothering to look back.

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