Chapter 12

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It was the day after the proposal and some how everyone knew about it. I hadn't told anyone besides Carly, and Alejandro told Elijah. Some how they were printing about it in the papers already. Big time CEO settles down with his assistant. It felt weird I mean everyone talked about the age difference between us but to be fair I was almost 19 soon. Everyone in the office said I should wait or I would regret it some didn't think I would make it to the wedding day. I was over joyed I was going to be happy for the rest of my life. Alejandro was happy too but now that I was to be his wife he wanted me to quit being his assistant and just be his wife. I wasn't happy about it but I said I was to keep working then after I would quit. He didn't want to agree but he knew he wouldn't win the fight. Today was like any other day I was doing my work and Alejandro was in a meeting that I didn't have to attend. Out of the blue Carly came running in with a box full of magazines and other wedding things. " Hey you we need to plan a wedding now as the maid of honor" she said but I cut her off, "what makes you think your my maid of honor" I said in a funny tone. "sweetie I better be the maid of honor" she said back to me, of course she was going to be my maid of honor. She started showing me dresses of all styles and lots of colours for wedding décor. I must have lost track of time because before I knew it Alejandro was back from the meeting. " I see you have started wedding planning" he said to me was he walked in. I pushed past the many papers and magazines to go over to him. " yes Carly wants to go dress shopping right away but I want to wait until we have a date" I said to him. " How about June 15th" he said, I smiled it was perfect the summer sun would shine down on us. I still had one more person I had yet to tell, my father. I hadn't spoken to him since I left home, we never were close we would just yell all the time. I knew I would have to see him and introduce him to Alejandro and his family to I had not met them. " Alejandro we haven't told our parents nor have we met them" I said. " don't worry my love I have planned an engagement party for this Saturday it was to be a surprise for you it will be held at my parents place in the back yard" he said to me. I felt relief it would be the perfect time to meet everyone. " wait" Carly said "Tomorrow is Saturday!" she freaked out "you need a dress to wear its after all a party" she continued. Alejandro looked at her and smiled and pulled out a credit card and handed it to Carly. "take her shopping then" he said, I looked over at him with shock. " I don't need a new dress every time we go to a party" I said to them. " have fun" was all he said before Carly was dragging me out the door. I tried on every dress of every colour but in the end picked a plain flowing purple dress. It was perfect for the party tomorrow, I started to think about seeing my father again. When I left he had no faith in me and said I would be back home in no time. I went home to Alejandro after dress shopping, I just wanted to fall asleep and let all the worry fall away. That's just what I did too, I took a hot bath and went right to bed. Alejandro had to work a bit late. I let sleep take over, sweet dreams of my wedding day flooded over my mind. I woke up late the next morning, I turned over to find the bed empty. I got up and went to look for my future husband. I walked down stairs to find him in the kitchen making breakfast for 2. "good morning" I said over to him he looked up from the food he was cooking to see me. "good morning are you excited about tonight" he said, I was I wanted to meet his family but at the same time my father was unpredictable. "yes I am its going to be a night to remember" I said to him.

Time skip to the evening

I was up in the bathroom finishing up my make up and hair. I had slipped on the dress and a pair of strappy silver heels, I felt good in the dress like I looked fancy. I was just about finished getting ready I was just slipping in some earrings when Alejandro came behind me. " you look beautiful my love" he said to me, I let a blush grow on my cheeks. "Shall we go" he said and offered me his arm. He lead me out to a limo outside, I had never been in such style. I tried to calm my nerves I didn't want to worry about seeing my father but I did. when we arrived it was already full of people. The inside of the house looked so classy with marble floors and long staircases. "This amazing and beautiful" I said as I continued to look around the house. " Look over there its my parents shall we greet them" he asked me I nodded to him in response. His parents looked so young for there age, "mother father" Alejandro greeted to his parents. "Alejandro honey so good to see you and this must be the blushing bride" his mother said she looked so beautiful the lines in her face didn't take away from her timeless beauty. "son its good to see you and this beautiful young lady must be Ariana" he said. "yes this is my bride to be Ariana; Ari these are my parents Kathy and Matteo" he said. "its wonderful to meet you" I said hugging his mother and his father coming over and giving me a gentle kiss to my cheek. We talked for a little bit longer and Alejandro's parents were so kind and supportive of the marriage. I learned that his mother was a doctor and father was a famous lawyer, we moved our way around and met everyone. Even ran into Elijah and Carly they were having a great time together, " I am going to grab some wine for us love" Alejandro said and disappeared. I stood there just looking around until my eyes caught with someone else. "Dad" I said in shock he came I didn't think he would show up. He looked kind of nice with just some dress pants and plain white dress shirt. "Ariana I knew I would find you here" he said I just looked in shock, "how have you been" he asked me. "fine I have been good doing good with work and all" I said I wanted to show him he had every right to be proud of me. " I see that your marrying your boss what's the deal with that" he said to me, " what do you mean deal I love him so we are getting married" I said. " Come on Ariana he is so much older and a big time CEO you are simply his little assistant do you really believe your worth anything to him" he said to me. I looked to the floor and couldn't take it anymore I felt hot tears rolling down my face. I tried to turn to leave but was stopped by him grabbing my arm, "Ari be smart he just wants you for looks and some fun" he said to me. I tried to pull my arm away but he wouldn't let me " let me go please" I said but he wouldn't budge. "She said let her go" a strong voice said, I turned to see Alejandro. He had set the wine glasses down and walked over to my father who had not let go of me. "sir I suggest you take your hands of off my fiancé" he said to my father. I continued to let the tears fall down my face I just wanted to run and hide. "what do you care for her I know you just want her for sex and a good look on you but by all means" my father said and slapped me and threw me to the floor. I put my hand to the spot where is hand had struck me it was red and stung, "she is nothing but some whore now just like her mother I though you were better then this Ariana" he spat at me. By now people had turned to look at us Elijah, Carly, and Alejandro's parents had come over. " How dare you talk about her like that" Alejandro yelled and jumped at him, they both started throwing punches. I was helped up from the floor by Carly and Kathy, Elijah and Matteo went to break up the fight on the floor. Alejandro had a bit of blood on his face but didn't look that bad compared to my father. My father hard a black eye and bloody nose, Alejandro walked over to me placing his hand on my cheek. " Are you ok" he asked me "yes I am fine but you don't look to well" I said I tried to push away the thoughts about what my father said. "honey there is a restroom upstairs and down the hall to the right" Kathy said to me I nodded and lead Alejandro up there, I tried to brush away the tears on my cheeks and hide them from Alejandro. " Ariana what did he say to you" he asked me I didn't want to tell him but I couldn't hid it from him ether. I told him everything my father had said to me, I felt his go stiff as I continued to tell him while I cleaned him up. "everything he said isn't true and you know that" he said to me I just nodded I really wanted to go home. I caught a look at myself in the mirror and saw the red spot on my cheek and the smudged make up. " I look awful" I said " would you like to go home" he asked me I nodded and followed him out front to the limo. I leaned my head down on his shoulder and ended up falling asleep.

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