chapter 4

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It was the day after the gala I was much more happy today then any other for some reason. After the gala I took a taxi back home, I didn't want to spend a car ride with Alejandro all the way to my place. I was now in the coffee room grabbing 2 coffees like any other morning, I walked up to the office to find his door closed. I walked into my office and found a towering stacks of papers everywhere. I set the coffees down and went to look at the papers they were all for the other company. It was more work that was going to take me forever to catch up on, this was going to be a long day. I went to get started when Carly came into my office smiling with a bag in hand. "hey I thought I would bring some muffins up to you I know you have a long day ahead of you" she said to me she knew everything happening in this building before anyone else did. "thanks I really need the brain food by the way do you know who is in Alejandro's office with him?" I asked I wanted to know. "oh....I was hopping you wouldn't find out but Natalia came up this morning". I felt the colour drain from my face I though we connected last night at the gala I thought to myself, "its fine who cares anyways not like anything would happen between us anyways right". Carly just nodded her head " I better get back to work before he sees me in here" she said and left me alone in my office. I picked up a stack of paper and began to work, it wasn't long after till the door opened and Alejandro walked in. His hair was a mess and he wasn't wearing his tie, you could tell he had just had a lot of hot sex. "Mr. Martinez" I said I was giving him the cold shoulder from now on, I wasn't going to get hurt again. "Ariana I see you have started the paper work already good we will be making a trip to Rio" he said. "what Rio why and when" I asked I was a little shocked I mean why did I have to come, " in a days time we will be leaving so book the flights now please first class would be best" he said and left to his office. I stood up from my desk and followed after him, "sir I see no reason why I must join you in Rio" I was trying to keep my cool but I was mad too. He was leading me on sending hints one minute and the next screwing some other woman in his office. "do not question this Ariana just do it we must attend a meeting there and I would rather have you there then anyone else" he said with a smile. I kept a straight face "fine I will book the flights" I turned on my heel and walked to my office. I worked all day I didn't even stop for lunch I just sent Carly a text to bring me something even if it was just a coffee. I didn't see Alejandro all day until 5pm rolled around. "Ariana you should go home pack and sleep" he said to me acting like he cared for me, " I am fine sir" was all I said and went back to working. I continued to work until 7:30 then I got tired and left for home. The bus wasn't going to come anytime so I started walking home, it was far but I didn't mind it. By the time I made it home it was late and I fell asleep right away. I woke up the next morning to my phone ringing, who was calling me so early? "hello" I said "Miss Ariana do you plan on joining us today for work" an angry voice said on the other end "Alejandro? why are you calling me so early". I was so tired I sat up in bed and tried to wake myself up, "Ariana it is 9:25 your late for work". I shot up out of bed and looked at the time " I am so sorry sir I will be there soon" I said and hung up. How did I sleep in so late I raced around my house, I ran out the door to catch the bus. My hair looked ok today but in my eyes you could tell I haven't slept very well. I finally made it to work and grabbed a coffee on my way up. "sir I am so sorry I am late" I said as I walked into Alejandro's office. "lets hope this doesn't happen again" he said in a cold tone and I left his office to start the work. We were leaving for Rio tomorrow at 4am my plan was to sleep on the plane. I worked all day until 5pm hit then this time I left on time so I made the bus. On the way home I got a text from the last person I wanted to talk to, 'I am sorry for snapping at you my driver will come get you tomorrow at 3:45 am be ready'. I didn't reply he would know I read it. I went home and just packed I didn't know how long we would be there for so I packed lots of clothes. Who knew what this trip had in store for me.


She read it but didn't answer, what is with woman. I was with my best friend Elijah we were just hanging out at my place together and he caught on to my sighs. "what is up with you Alej" he asked me "its this girl she is my new assistant and is driving me crazy with everything". "She bad at her job or is it you like her" he knew me too well. I gave him a look and he knew "ahh you like her then go out with her I am sure she feels the same way", I wish he knew what was going on with me. Ever since the gala and the moment we shared I knew I felt something for her, she was just so sweet and innocent I wanted her to be mine. "man are you still having sex with Natalia?" Elijah asked me. I just shrugged I mean yea I was but did it matter, " first off stop sleeping with that whore and go after that ari chick she seems into you" he said to me. I didn't know what to say really should I, what if it back fired on me. "we are going to Rio for business together for a couple of days" I said, that's when it hit me I needed to romance her in Rio. We would be staying in the same beach house together so why not.  "Elijah I have a plan" I said.


It was the early morning and I was at the airport about to go to Rio and all I wanted to do was go home and go back to bed. Soon enough we were on the plane and I fell asleep right away with my head phones in playing music. I really didn't want to talk to Alejandro he tried at every point to talk to me but I cut it short. We soon landed and then I was forced to be in a car with him till we got to the beach house. I hated that we shared it I walked into the small little house on the water and looked around. There was only one bedroom!? " I will take the couch" I offered I wasn't going to share a bed with him, before he said anything to me I left to go change clothes. We had to attend a dinner tonight and I needed to step up my game. I missed new York already and Carly we had become good friends. I Wore a nude dress that was more tight fitted, I wanted to tease a bit to night.

Ariana's dress she wears

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Ariana's dress she wears

I walked out of the bathroom ready to go to this dinner. Alejandro turned around to face me and his jaw hit the floor. "you look amazing like always" he said with a smile, I wanted to fall into his arms but at the same time I knew he was just an everyday playboy jerk. We left for the dinner we both didn't talk we just sat in silence, when we arrived dinner was served right away. The food was amazing I didn't partake in the conversation, I just sat and observed. Alejandro noticed and leaned in and whispered to me " I know this is boring but I will make it up to you" he slipped his hand on my knee. I felt the air leave my body his touch was so soft it was like silk, I couldn't take this I stood up and left. I stood in a private hallway alone trying to control my thoughts, I cant feel like this not after chad I needed to avoid this type of men. Alejandro then came out of the dinner, "what did I do" he asked me coming in close to me. I pushed him away " stop just stop I know your type of men just leave me alone" I yelled at him I didn't want to get hurt but at the same time I wanted him so bad. " I thought this is what you wanted" he asked me, I wanted to just stop right there and kiss him but that would then seal our fate. " I do I did your a play boy I know your type I don't want to get hurt I want something real" I yelled at him, I felt myself sinking to the floor this was it he saw how weak and pathetic I was. He grabbed my shoulder and brought me back up and did something I wasn't expecting, he kissed me. The kiss was strong and passionate his lips were so soft I felt I was kissing a cloud. He broke from the kiss and looked into my eyes, " this is something Ariana" I smiled and went back into the kiss. We grabbed a taxi back to the beach house, I felt amazing like I was on cloud 9. I walked around to the beach and took off my shoes, the sand felt soft and amazing. The beach was private so no one would come around I walked to the waters edge and dipped my feet in. It was so warm and smooth I wanted to just jump in, strong arms came around behind me and laced there way around my waist. "lets go for a swim" he said I smiled and dropped my shoes in the sand, I then started taking off my dress. Alejandro took off his suit and left it in the sand and dove in just his boxers, I was left in a black bra and pantie set and joined him. The water felt great I swam around enjoying it till I was brought back into Alejandro's strong arms. I turned around to face him and met his lips with mine, he was perfect and he was mine.  

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