chapter 22

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She felt so soft and small in my arms. I couldn't take this anymore, I moved my hands up her back to find her bra. I was so close until I heard the all to familiar ding of the door. "Hey xander you home" jasper called out. "Alex" my little sister called out. Fuck they can't find ash like this, I looked to see the fear in her eyes. She pulled away from me and running back up stairs to the guest room. "Alex there you are why didn't you answer when we called" my sister complained to me. "hello Roseanna how lovely to see you how is mom" I asked her. She still lived with our parents she wanted her first place to be with jasper. "Mom's fine Alex I am worried about you, my wedding is coming up here soon and you better be ready for it" she snapped at me. She was stressing over my wedding like crazy, I was the best man and her maid of honor had a thing for me. I was trying to avoid all wedding things until the day came. "I am very ready for it" I said to her, she gave me a little glare. "Well of you say so but are you bringing a date? Because Madison isn't and is available" she asked me. The damn maid of honor just didn't give up on me. "As a matter of fact I do have a date" I said with a little bit of a smile. "Oh really who and it better not be one of your hussy girls" she said with a little smile. "Her name is ashley and she isn't a hussy she's a classy young lady" I said feeling my blood boil. "Look rose I don't have time for this I need to get on with the day so if you wouldn't mind" I said gesturing to the door. "Fine I will see you in a few days then" she said as she left. Jasper followed behind her. I loved my sister but this wedding was making her crazy. It then hit me that the thing that made me crazy was upstairs. I ran up the stairs to the guest room, she wasn't there. Her clothes and my coat were gone too. I went to my room next to find her walking through it. I stood in the door watching as she walked through. She slid her hands around the bed and over to the pictures that hung on the walls. Most of them were of me and my family. She looked so perfect as she walked around. I didn't know how I was going to deal with this but all I knew was I wanted her to be mine.


People came over oh my god. I let it get to far, I should have stopped but I couldn't. It was passionate and something that I had never felt before. I went back to the room and dress in my clothes, I grabbed the coat as well. I really didn't know much about Alexander. All I knew about him was the playboy part and what ever the gossip was. I wanted to know the real him. I snuck off into his room, it was classy. The rooms colours were white and a light blue. They were soft and free, it felt nice comforting. I ran my fingers over the soft sheets. They were so nice I wanted to know how it would feel to be under them with him. I walked over to the pictures in the room. Alexander was quite the family guy. There were pictures of him and his sister when the were little, his parents. He had a soft side to him more then anyone gave him credit for. "Enjoying yourself?" A strong male voice said, I turned at the sound of it. "I was I" I stuttered I didn't know what to say. "It's fine ash, my sister and jasper came by" he said to me. I knew jasper only a little but I didn't know his sister. Only by the magazines she was a high end fashion designer now. "Oh did the see me or notice me" I asked. I was hopping they didn't, I didn't want them thinking I was one of those types of girls. "No they, but shall we go out? I think I owe you after yesterday" he said to me. I knew I should have said no and kept my distance but I couldn't say no. "I would love to but could we stop by my apartment I would like to change" I said. "Of course just let me dress" he said taking off his white tee shirt to reveal all his abs and glory. "I'll...wait ....d..down stairs....I think" I stuttered out trying to back out the door. If I stayed in this room I was going to lose my clothes as well. I ran out the door and waited down stairs. Soon enough Alexander came down stairs looking like a god. "Ready?" He asked me, I nodded and we headed out. We ended up taking one of his fancy cars, I gave him directions to my apartment. I wished I hadn't brought him here. The perfect bubble we had together was broken the moment I watched his face when he saw my apartment. We both got out not saying a word to each other. I didn't know what to say to him. When we walked in I closed the door behind him and headed off to my room to change. I didn't know what to wear, I kept it easy. I threw on some jeans and a white top, I grabbed some simple flats and was done. I came out to see Alexander looking around how I looked at his place but his face didn't look so shocked more discussed. I felt a bit hurt and I tried to hide it but I couldn't. "I know it isn't something big and fancy but I am not rich...." I said letting my voice fade. "Your a hard worker ash they way your home looks means nothing" he said coming closer to me. He brought his hand up to my face stroking it. "Tell me to stop" he whispered. "I can't lie to you though"

Romancing Mr. CEOजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें