chapter 13

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I woke up the next morning some how in bed, I guess Alejandro brought me in last night after. I was in one of his shirts when I woke up. I looked over to his side of the bed to find it empty, where had he gone. I walked down stairs to find him no where, he seemed to not be home. I looked to the counter to find a note was left for me.


I went for a jog I should be back before you wake


"your late" I said to myself as I read the note. I looked around for something to do in the mean time but since it was Sunday I had nothing to do. I went and changed into some normal clothes and brought some wedding planning stuff to the living room to do some planning. The wedding wasn't too far away, I had yet to try on wedding dresses but we had a theme and colours. I liked royal blue and silver so did Alejandro so we went with more of a classy style. I only looked at magazines for so long until the door opened and closed. I looked over to see Alejandro with a brown take out bag. "good morning sleepy head" he said to me, " hey how was the jog" I asked him. " it was good I grabbed food from that small café on the beach you like" he said. I got up and ran over to him I was so hungry it was weird. In the end I ate all of the food placed in front of me and some of Alejandro's too. "wow someone's hungry today" he said to me, "yea I am starving" I said. "so what shall we do today" he asked me, we never really did anything on the weekends really just sat at home. Normally I would be down for it but I was kind of tired and just wanted to sleep. "Can we just stay in and watch movies" I asked, he smiled down at me " of course we can love" he said. We spent the whole day watching movies it was great and then we ordered pizza, I ate half of a large pizza. I felt a little sick after but that's because I ate so damn much food. I fell asleep right away that night in total bliss. I woke up the next morning to the sound of an alarm blaring, it felt to early for all of this. I sat up in bed and felt a rush of nausea hit me nothing big just mild. I was really hungry too, I pushed myself out of bed and my nose caught the sent of eggs pancakes and bacon cooking. I made my way to the closet to dress for the day then went to the kitchen. I found Alejandro cooking food for us, "this smells so good" I said grabbing a strip of bacon. It tasted so good I washed it back with some orange juice as well. "easy there don't eat too much" Alejandro said to me, he was right if I over ate I would end up sick in the end. We finished breakfast together and cleaned up and made our way over to the office together. The nausea feeling had come back to me, was I getting the flu? I silently prayed I wasn't getting sick, I had a meeting to attend with Alejandro today soon. I walked into hi office with the papers I had to hand out to everyone at the meeting when I was told to do so. "ready" he asked I nodded and followed him to the conference room. I felt dizzy and the nausea want helping ether, I went and sat in the corner of the room where I always sat. I waited for Alejandro to tell me when to hand out the papers to the men. He waved his hand over to and I nodded I began handing out the papers to everyone. The dizzy feeling kept hitting me and before I knew it I fell to the floor in darkness.


The whole meeting my eyes kept going over to Ariana, she looked pale and sickly. I had to focus on this meeting though, I waved my hand over to Ariana to start handing out the papers as I continued to talk. As she handed out the papers she looked like she might faint and as if on cue she did. She fell to the floor as if dead to the world, all the men stopped to look at her in shock. I ran over to her, she was out cold I picked her up and carried her to my office. Right away I called down to Carly to call for a doctor to come right away. Carly wasted no time in calling for one and making it snappy because minutes later she entered my office with a doctor. "what happened to her" Carly asked as she leaned down to Ariana, I had her on top of my desk with my suit jacket under her head. " I don't know she just fainted in the meeting" I said, soon enough my angel opened her eyes. "Ariana are you alright" I asked right away holding her in my arms, " What...yes I am fine must be the flu I have" she said. What flu did she have? "This doctor here is going to make sure your ok "I said to her she just nodded. "so Miss Ariana you have fainted and you must feel sick if you think you have a flu correct" the doctor asked her. She nodded to him, "hmm and when was your last period" he asked her. This guy maybe a doctor but where does he get off asking my fiancé personal questions. "ummm... I don't remember" she said, where was this doctor going with this. " I see are you sexually active with men" he asked her, what men I was the only man! " yes with my fiancé Alejandro" she said gesturing to me. " Hmm Miss Ariana would you please go and take this" he said handing her a small stick like thing. She simply nodded and walked off to the bathroom when she was out of sight I turned to talk to the doctor. " so what do you think it is" I asked him, "we will know soon" was all he said. Ariana soon returned with the little stick and handed it to the doctor. He looked down at the stick and smiled, "well congrats to you two" he said to us. I was confused what was he talking about, "what do you mean" I asked finally.


"what do you mean" Alejandro asked the doctor, I knew right away what it meant. "your having a baby you fiancé here is pregnant" he said. Alejandro went into shock right away his face was white with fear. "No she can not be pregnant" he said to the doctor, why was he so mad about this. "well I am sorry she is and she must not be far along my guess one month maybe 2" the doctor said looking at my stomach. I placed my hands on my belly there is a baby in there, my little angel. The doctor said his goodbye and left the office Carly was over joyed but left after seeing Alejandro's face. I didn't want her to leave me alone with him he looked mad like really mad. "Alejandro" I said softly to him, he didn't say a word "please talk to me" I said to him I wanted to hear his voice. I wanted him to tell me it would be ok and that we can do this together but he didn't say anything. I let my head fall and I made my way to my office, I had finished early and made a quick doctors appointment for later that evening. "Am I ok to leave" I asked as I walked into Alejandro's office. He was no where to be found I didn't even notice him leave. I walked outside and caught a cab to take me to the hospital, on the way I sent a text to Kathy Alejandro's mom. I wanted her to be my doctor for this I trusted her the most and right now I needed the support.

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