chapter 6

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After the night I spent crying I didn't let myself feel anything for him, it was a week later and I was still heart broken but I was moving on. It was Friday I was almost done work for the day, Carly wanted to go clubbing tonight after work so she brought me a change of clothes for later. I had just finished all the paper work and was putting the last of it in Alejandro's office. "I am done for the day sir may I go?" I asked, I was hopping he wouldn't keep me long Carly was waiting outside for me and I had yet to change still. "Yes you may go Ariana" he said making focused eye contact with me, I nodded and left to get changed. I didn't know what outfit Carly had given me so I was in for a huge surprise. The dress was 2 pieces and skin tight, it showed off my ass curves and chest. 

 I had forgotten my shoes up in my office I sent Carly a text saying I would be down in a second, I wasn't looking where I was going and bumped into a strong chest

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 I had forgotten my shoes up in my office I sent Carly a text saying I would be down in a second, I wasn't looking where I was going and bumped into a strong chest. " I am so sorry" I said and looked up to see Alejandro, I was much shorter on him since I didn't have heels on so I had to look up to him. " I thought you left already Ariana you look nice have a date tonight?" he asked he was trying to find out if I was with another man. I wasn't going to tell him I didn't I was going to drive him mad. " You never know Mr. Martinez have a good night" I said and grabbed my heels and left. I met Carly outside and we left to the club, I had never really gone out much in school I stayed at home most of the time. The club was fancy looking music was blaring and everyone was dancing around. It didn't take long for Carly to find someone to dance with, he was quite attractive looking too. I stayed on the side I wasn't having a fun time I didn't have anyone to dance with no one here could compare to Alejandro. It was at that moment he walked into the club with a tall fake blonde on his arm. She looked kind of pretty she was tall and perfect looking, I was short and didn't match up to her. I knew for a fact he had just brought Natalia in the girl he would always pick over me.


I watched as she left her office in a sexy outfit, I felt a twinge of jealousy the thought of her with any other man. I let the though go I had a feeling they were going to the new club uptown that just opened up. I over heard Carly talking about it today, I grabbed my phone and  sent Natalia a text. If Ariana wanted to play dirty I could do just that.

I watched as Alejandro dance with Natalia she was kissing all down his neck. I couldn't watch this I wanted to run and cry in a corner but I wasn't going to let myself do that. I grab the nearest guy and asked him to dance, he didn't hesitate to say yes. I didn't care for him or the dance I was just trying to piss off Alejandro. I was so lost in thought I was broke from the thoughts by the guy I was dancing with. He was moving his hands down my waist to my ass, I wasn't to happy about him touching me. It didn't feel right I tried to push his hands off but he wouldn't move. I felt scared I wanted him off, just then my knight in shinning came to my rescue. "hey man get off her" Alejandro said I wanted to tell him I was fine and didn't want to give him that satisfaction. " I am fine Alejandro you didn't have to do that" I said and walked off to the bathroom. I looked up at myself in the mirror I wanted him back and I knew it, maybe if i told him he would take me back. I was going to do it I was about to leave the bathroom when Natalia walked in, she was tall and lean like a model. "ahh you must be Alej's new assistant what's your name Ariana right?" she said. "yes that's me" I said, "hmm I didn't know they hired hobbits" she said as she laughed in my face. I felt my self esteem drop to the floor, " A tip of advice little hobbit stay away from my man your simply nothing you will never match up to him" she said to me. she walked out of the bathroom leaving me alone, every though had about Alejandro were gone. I still wanted him but she was right we would never be good together. I went back out to the dance floor, Carly was still going strong with the guy she met and Natalia was with Alejandro. I was making my way to the exit I just wanted to go home and cry everything out. When I got outside the air was chilly I held my close around my body, I tried hailing a cab but they were all taken. The buses weren't running anymore ether and walking home wasn't an option. I stood outside holding my arms close around my body hopping a cab would come soon. I didn't realize someone had come up behind me, I felt a jacket being placed around my arms. I turned around to see Alejandro why didn't I guess it was him, " I am fine really" I said. I was scared Natalia would come out and see us together, " your cold Ariana please let me give you a ride home" he said to me. I knew I had to say no but I guess my mouth didn't know that. " That would be great" I said to him hugging the jacket close to my body, he nodded and lead me over to his car. " Where's Natalia" I asked him, I didn't want to tell him about me and Natalia's talk and I didn't want her to find me alone with her man as she would say. " She is with her friends so I decided to go home" he said,  I just nodded the ride to my place was silent. When we arrived I thanked him and went inside my house and let the tears fall. I lost all hope of happiness for us, I sank to the floor and cried Natalia was right about us. I needed to let him go but I couldn't he made me happy. I went to bed that night dreaming about him and us happy together. 

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