chapter 3

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Up above is the song that plays during the gala its Ed Sheeran give me love. Enjoy this chapter and remember to vote!

I woke up to Monday morning with the sound of my alarm going off like crazy. I didn't do much for Sunday besides clean my house a bit but overall nothing more. I did my usual routine getting ready and left to catch the bus. I really hated bussing but I couldn't find anything cheaper to live in closer to work. On my way up to my office I stopped and grabbed 2 coffees for me and Alejandro. I walked into his office to find him not there, I set the coffee on his desk and went to my office to find a few papers that needed to be typed and filed. I was almost done with my work when Alejandro burst into his office super pissed off. He slammed the door closed and sat down at his desk, I debated on asking what was wrong but I didn't want to become close with him. I finished up my work and went and filed it in his office. " Is there anything else you need done Mr. Martinez?" I asked nicely hoping he wouldn't take his anger out on me. I never liked anger on men, chad would hit me when he got mad and my father would just yell in my face. "no that will be all Ariana unless you can find a way to help me buy out half of another company" I could tell he was mad and stressed I was good a debate maybe I could help him. " what company are you trying to by half of" I asked I was testing the waters before I dove right in to it. "its a company in brazil in Rio the owner wants to sell half but isn't sure he wants to sell to me, he is going to be here for 2 more weeks but I cant get him to sell". I sighed a little at the sight of him so stressed " what happens if he doesn't sell in the 2 weeks he is here?" I asked. "Then he goes back to Rio and sells to someone there and I lose a potential millions I could have made." I was one to never back down form a challenge I was determined to find a way to get this guy in a place where we could make him sell. I went back to my office and started to do some research on the man and what other things he would be doing in new York city. He will be at a gala tonight, this was perfect it wasn't in the office so it would be more calming and a perfect place to strike. "Mr. Martinez I think I found a way to get this guy to sell" I sound determined " he is going to be at a gala tonight it is the perfect place to talk to him". Alejandro just looked at me like I was crazy but then he shifted "you might be right book us a limo I will get the tickets". I nodded and went to book a limo "wait what" I turned around just realizing he said we. "you want me to join you tonight?" I was a little shocked, "yes I need a date and it was your idea" he said with a smile. " I don't have anything to wear" I said trying to get him to change his mind about me going. "hmm I will call Carly from front desk she will take you shopping right now" he continued to call Carly up to the office then handed me a credit card. "what's this for?" I asked, "so you can buy something for tonight and get you hair done up" .  Before I could protest Carly came bouncing up and dragged me out of the office and down the road. "so you and the boss ehh" me and Carly had become closer friends since I started working here I was glad she was shopping with me this way I could tell her everything. " Its not like that hes hot an all but", "oh my god you just said he is hot your so in to him why don't you just let it happen" she said to me I looked at the rows of dresses and nothing was popping out to me yet. "come one ari you totally have a crush on him" Carly and I talked for hours as we looked for a dress and I finally found the one. It was an elegant plum colour it was tight and then flowed out at the bottom. "This is the one Carly" I said I payed for the dress and realized it was 4:30 time was flying by I had to be dressed and at the office by 6 to meet Alejandro. I had my hair done up in a low curly bun and threw on the dress. I felt like a princess they even did my make up for me, I felt weird running down the street bare foot with Carly trying to make it to the office for 6 but we made it.

Ariana's hair make up and dress!

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Ariana's hair make up and dress!

I ran up to Alejandro's office and burst through the door " sorry I am late we lost track of time but the limo is waiting out front and everything is ready to go sir". He didn't say anything he just looked at me like he saw a ghost. "sir" I said trying to get his attention, " Ariana you look stunning" he said to me I felt my cheeks go red. "thank you sir but we must go if we are to be there on time". "yes after your Ariana and please call me Alejandro" he said to me as he opened the door. I felt my knees become weak as I looked up into his eyes I wanted to feel his lips on mine. I pushed the dream aside and walked down stairs in silence, we kept the limo ride quite too. I knew as soon as we got there I was to help talk about business then he found find a pretty girl and go off with her. The gala was all the way across town it looked stunning from the outside. Alejandro got out first and as I was stepping out offered me his hand, I took it gracefully and linked my arm with his. The inside was full of people all men in suit and bow ties and woman in beautiful dresses. I looked around the room until I spotted Rafael the business man from Rio. I lead the way over to him and let Alejandro do all the talking, they talked for hours and laughed. I was getting kind of bored and just wanted to go home there was no one here that I knew. "Well then I agree I will send over paper work tomorrow and we will sell you the half of the company" Rafael said. I perked up at the sound of it Rafael left with his date and went to dance leaving me with Alejandro. "he is going to sell it to you this is wonderful" I said I was super happy for the company. " Its because of you Ariana he is if you hadn't of found out about this gala I would have lost a ton of money thank you". I smiled up at him your eyes met and it felt like we connected in that moment, I broke away and watched the other couples dance. I wasn't going to become attached to him he was my boss nothing more then that. " would you like to dance Ariana" he asked me, Before I could answer he swept me off my feet in a dance. Give me love was playing softly, I never really danced much but with Alejandro it felt like I was on a cloud. It was like I was floating or walking on air, he twirled me and kept his hand on my lower back. I wanted to dive in and kiss his soft lips, I didn't want to fall for another man like him but I couldn't help it. Was it possible I was falling for my boss? 

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