Chapter 2

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It had been a week of me working for Alejandro Martinez, it has gone quite well. I never slacked and I was always done on time. It was Friday evening and I had spent the whole day doing paper work like crazy, it was now 6:30 pm I was tired and really wanted to go home. I wasn't going to leave until all my work was done. I kept typing and printing until 7pm I knew I would be waiting forever for a bus, I looked out the window I didn't even notice it had started raining. I went to file the last of the papers in Mr. Martinez's office but the door was locked, I was going to knock until I heard moaning and giggling. He was screwing some chick in his office how unclassy, I knew I would have to wait until they were done so I went and sat back down. I was really tired it had been a long day with a super early morning. I took off my heels and brought my legs up and used my blazer as a blanket. I hadn't noticed I fell asleep until I was being woken up, "miss. Williams sleeping on the job is un acceptable" a strong voice said. I opened my eyes to face Alejandro, " I am sorry sir you were busy and I needed to file these papers before I left". I grabbed the files and walked into his office not bothering to put my heels back on. " I never noticed how short you were until now" he said to me, I had always been quite short but it never bothered me I just wore heels more often. " I am only 5'3 " I said to him. "you may go now" he said and I left his office to grab my blazer, shoes and bag. I didn't bother saying good night to him I just left. As I left the building I noticed the bus at the stop I tried to run to catch it but I didn't make it. I pulled out my phone hoping another would come soon but it was 8:30 another bus doesn't come till 9:45. The rain had kept coming down I was now soaked, I took off my heels and started my walk home. I didn't even make it a block until a black car came up beside me, the passenger window was rolled down to reveal Alejandro Martinez. "let me give you a ride home miss. Williams" he said to me, I really wanted to say yes but he is an asshole making me stay late for his on sexual reasons. " I am fine Mr. Martinez" I just wanted him to leave me alone, "Miss. Williams I was not raised to leave a woman alone at night to walk in the rain home please get in the car". I knew he wouldn't take no for an answer so I sighed and got in, I took off my blazer seeing it was now wet. "where do you live?" he asked me "upper west side" he just nodded and drove me home. "you seem cold" he said to me looking me up and down, " I am fine" I said I didn't want to talk to him much he was after all my boss. "Are you sure about that because your clothes look a little wet" he said , I looked down at my skirt it was really wet and then my white blouse it was so wet it was see through. A smile grew on Alejandro's face he could see my pink lace bra, I crossed my arms over my chest a blush had grew to my cheeks. I had always had a bigger chest and that perfect body type, I wasn't one to always show it off though. "Here is my place" I said pointing to an older looking apartment building, "thank you for the ride home Mr. Martinez" I said. He smiled at me "your welcome miss. Williams have a nice night" I hated being called by my last name so I decided to be bold. "please call me Ariana" is said this didn't mean we were friends its just my name so I rather he use it. "ok then good night Ariana" he said, just the way he said my name made my knees weak. I walked back up to my apartment I wanted to shower right away I was still really cold and wet. After the shower I headed off for bed it was late and I was tired.


I drove home after dropping off Ariana, she was so different she lived in the west side. That side of town was very poor and far from where she worked, I don't even know why I care she is just my assistant. When I got home to my upper east side condo I headed to the shower I felt nasty after having sex with Natalia she just wouldn't leave me alone. I got out of the shower and threw on a pair of sweat pants and went to lay in bed. I had gotten  an email back from a friend of mine about Ariana. He did a back round check on her for me.

Arianna Rose Williams

Age:18  Birthday: March 10

Height: 5'3"

 High school graduate with honors, lived with her father her whole life. Father Robert Williams left his first wife Linda when she was a young girl, mother is known for drugs and alcohol abuse.

I continued to read about her, she had a great life she could have went anywhere for collage but didn't pick any. Instead she is working for me she seemed so different from any other girl I had been with. Un like the others she had natural beauty she wasn't fake she didn't whore herself around. My friend Elijah had done a great job at the back round check on her even found out more personal details such as sex life boyfriends body type lifestyle choices. She had only had one other boyfriend in high school but he had cheated on her and she left him and continued to focus on studies. She was also a virgin?! That for me was a rare thing to come by these days with woman. She was 10 years younger then me and yet I found her so attractive and mature. This wasn't a good thing she is my assistant but that hasn't stopped me before.


I woke up to a beautiful sunny Saturday morning, I hadn't made any friends yet so I had the day to myself. I got up and made breakfast and decided on going to the beach just to kill time. I really didn't have any plans or anything, I threw on a white bikini and blue sun dress. The best beaches here where in the east side which was a really long bus ride but I rather that then risk the west side. I caught the next bus to the beach it took almost 2 hours of bussing to get there. As soon as my feet hit the sand I took off my shoes and walked barefoot, the hot sand felt good on my feet. I left the warm air blow through my hair as I walked it was my first day off I was going to enjoy it. I layed out a towel on the ground I put on my sunglasses and took off my dress. It felt good to feel the sun on my skin for the first time in forever, nothing could ruin this day for I thought. I layed in the sun for not even that long till I couldn't feel sun anymore, something or should I say someone was blocking it. I rested my self up on my arms and took off my sunglasses to see" Mr. Martinez?" I said aloud "what are you doing here?" I was in a bit of shock seeing my boss at the beach and me in just a bikini kind of weird. " I am jogging miss. Ariana if your must know my question is what are you doing here on the east side?" I should have guessed he was jogging he was in running shoes and sweatpants and shirtless?!?! " I wasn't aware I wasn't aloud on this side of town" I said giving him a bit of my sassy side. " allow me to take a young lady like yourself out to lunch" he asked me, what should I say to that yes oh how I wanted to but he is my boss. " I would love to but you are my boss Mr. Martinez" I said I hoped he would take a hint and leave me be. "Please we are not at the office so call me Alejandro and that being said let me take you to lunch Ariana". Just the way he said my name made me want to say yes, "fine Mr. Marti......I mean Alejandro". I stood up and put my dress back on I could feel his eyes watching ever movement I made. "shall we" he said and lead me up the beach farther we came to a small café. It was so cute looking it wasn't somewhere I pictured Alejandro having lunch though. We sat out on the deck that faced over the beach and water, a waitress then came around with menus. I got a salad and Alejandro got the salmon, "so do you come here often" I didn't know what else to say to him he was my boss. "I do actually I like to jog on this beach because I just live up the road I sometimes stop here for lunch or breakfast". I just smiled at him I really didn't know what to talk about, "so Ariana have you settled in well here" he said. "yes I have it didn't take much for the move and work is amazing" I didn't want to be to detailed about anything so I kept it short and sweet. "Hmm your doing an amazing job at work none of my past assistants ever finished there work on time so it pilled up" he told me. I just smiled I knew I was good at my job my father never raised me to be lazy or to quit. " I really enjoy working there I find it fun and easy to do I could even take on more if needed" I said it wasn't a lie it was true I was always done my work on time or early I never had to stay late besides the one day. "That's good to here I will have you start booking my meeting and coming to some of them to take notes and maybe even a few travel meetings." I just nodded the food came around and we ate in silence, after we finished it was around 4pm. " I should catch the bus home now its late" I said to him, "please let me drive you home its faster then bussing" he offered I wanted to say no but bussing would take longer since it was getting closer to evening times. " I would love that" I said and we walked back to his place. He wasn't kidding when he said it was close it was right on the beach, he lived in a condo he took me to the under ground garage and grabbed his car. The ride home was quite and I liked it that way I wasn't going to let feelings grow for someone like him. This would be a one time thing nothing more then that he would forever be just my boss. When we arrived at my place I thanked him "thank you for the ride home and the lunch it was wonderful" I gave him a small smile. "your welcome I will see you on Monday then for work" I nodded and got out of the car, he was so perfect but that means nothing he is a playboy just like chad was. 

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