Toxic Valentine

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Title from All Time Low

Oops Eratum!!! It's All Time Low, not We the Kings, i'm so sorry to the fans... i'm sorry... :)

Ok, to start off... Belated HAPPY THANKSGIVING to everyone!!! :) *cheers*

Next, i'd like to say thanks to everyone who gave sent in their support message both through comments and private messages, it meant a lot and the feeling you gave me was just... urgh!!! off the hook guys, i can't even explain, all i know i was giggling and blushing a lot, so... THANK YOU SO MUCH... and it makes me feel bad by repaying all those kind words with short chapters but like i said this will be multiple posting of chapters, so it would be like one whole chapter in numerous chapter, i'm about to post two short chappies right now and third one is on the works already and i'm aiming to post that and another chapter by tomorrow morning or later tonight, so keep your fingers crossed for me and i hope you like this chappies...

i love you so much and again, THANK YOU and I LOVE YOU GUYS SoOoOoOoOoooo much!!!

without further adue... Enjoy!!!



I stepped out of Serenity’s room, still hearing her crying.

Seeing her cringe in pain, fear and disappointment was too much for me- yes, I know she is disappointed. If I’m not mistaking, and according to father’s research of who she is, she’s supposed to be the shifter who saves her kind.

Save them from what exactly, I don’t know.

What I do know is that I’m getting piss off more and more with dad and his stupid hunters.

If I didn’t promise mom that I would… the memory made me shrug.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that I would have left my dad if it wasn’t for some stupid promise. But I like to think that by keeping my promise, I somehow live in a way my mother would have wanted me to.

Every night I would have loved to hear her say how good a son I am, and I would tell her that it was all because of her, her and my old dad.

The father I knew was sweet and jolly. He used to be perfect dad- he taught me to play ball, ride a bike, even pushed me to give the girl I had a crush on flowers when I was just in preschool.

That was my dad.


But ever since that night… when my mother died, he was just a heartless shell, killing every shifter he comes across to, even men who provided him some sort of information about the shifters.

At first, I thought him joining the hunters was just so that he had some sort of release for the loss of mom’s death. But when the killing began, I knew he had lost control. I tried to stop him, to make him understand, but grandfather had already brainwashed him too much. I was too young to do anything, and he would always tell me that I didn’t know anything- that the world would be better off without them.

And right after I turned 18 I left them with there scheming. Never wanting to be part of there craziness. Until grandfather died during one of there attacks on a pack of shifters, leaving father half dead.

Even then I can’t blame the shifters, I knew they just acted on them to save themselves. I just wished that my father had the sanity to think of his own safety after that, but no. He just had to add it up to reasons why he wants the shifters extinct.

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