I Hope IT's You

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title from N'twine

Listen to this song, one of the girls is my cousin (the one singing the second verse) and well, just want to share... lol!

This would be a very short chapter, cause i'm pretty much preparing for the last two chappies... just saying.

so... enjoy!


Gelya’s POV

I stared at the boy who was sitting at the edge of a cliff, over looking the town where the Crescent Moon Pack resides. He has been there for hours, so long in fact, that the sun was about to set already. I’m pretty sure his skin’s all burned and he’s probably hungry.

I would love to have brought him food and maybe something to cover him, but I couldn’t leave the shade of the tree beside me.

Unlike popular belief, vampire can step out of the sun. We don’t shimmer, we don’t burn and disintegrate to dust.

We can easily walk around and stuff like that, but being a half breed, I have limits. My body didn’t stop altogether, its just working slow, really, really slow. Yes, it’s just in slow motion, so my body can’t protect my skin like a normal person, I'm not as mortal as Yuri and Anton.

Just like how Yuri killed mother... our heart is still our weakness.

“You should go home…”

His dead tone broke into my thoughts. I frowned not hearing his perky and lively self.

“Sorry?” I said not understanding what he was saying.

“I said you should go home.” He shrugged, “I don’t think that I’ll be home for a while.”

I stepped out from where I was hiding, “Well, I don’t think that’s such a good idea with vampires popping in and out.”

“You mean your kind?” he asked.

I frowned, “Well, yeah, I guess.” Pushing aside the disappointment I felt hearing the disgust in his tone. “Anyway, you can’t just stay here. You’re probably hungry-“

“Nope.” He popped.


“Uh- uh.”


“Not a bit.”

“Burned, I’m sure the sun’s-“

“I’m not a vampire.” He snaps.

“Well, you obviously are not, cause if you were, you would totally slap your face by using that against me when it’s obviously not true.”

“It’s not?” he looked up at me. pointed out

“Myth,” I said, matter-of-factly, “I’m still in one piece aren’t I?”

“Yeah, but you’ve been hiding under that tree.” He pointed out.

“Just because I value my looks,” I said smugly, “I’m still a girl last time I checked.”

He rolled his eyes and turned away, “Just go away Gelya.” I sighed and sat beside him, he turned to me, glaring. “What part of go away don’t you understand?”

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