Reckless and Relentless Part1

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 Title from Asking Alexandria
So unlike previous chapters, this would have two POV… I’m hoping that this comes out like the Awake and Alive Special chapter, so… good luck to me and hope you guys enjoy!



Reckless Chapter

“Are you sure?” Jake asked.

Liam rolled his eyes, “Yes I’m sure.”

“How sure?” Aaron asked.

“Very sure, now can we-“

“Liam, you just woke up, are you even suppose to be here?” Eric asked, “Serenity’s gonna kill us-“

Liam raised one finger, “One, I doubt that she’ll kill you. Two, yes, I’m supposed to be here. Serenity thought so. That’s why she woke me up in the first place didn’t she?”

“She woke you up cause you’ve been slacking way too long.” Aaron said.

This got us to laugh, well except for Liam who rolled his eyes again, frustrated.

“Liam, calm down.” I said, “We’re glad to have you back, really, but we don’t want you to tire yourself too much.”

“C’mon, like you guys, I’ve been asleep way too long to even think of getting tired for the next few weeks.”

“Well, I surely hope it was the right decision to wake you up.”

We turned and saw the girls standing at the door.

“We heard that you have been out of your bed since the break of dawn.” Anna says, carrying Ximm with her.

I grinned and walked up to them, giving her a kiss on the forehead and one on Ximm as well.

“Yeah, well, I was getting too well acquainted with the bed already. I need to get up.” Liam says, “Now as I was saying-“

“Planning on Tasha’s escape?” Jean asked.

“Yeah,” Aaron shrugged, “Liam won’t shut up about it.”

“Good, cause I do want her home soon.” Serenity said walking up to Eric who wrapped her in his arms.

“And she will be once we finish planning and getting the cogs turning.” Liam says, “So if you ladies would please step out.”

“No.” Serenity says, “I’m staying right here.”

“I don’t remember Aunt Clarisse staying during meeting like this.” Liam says.

“Well, I’m not mom.” Serenity says, “If you are kicking out the queen, talk to Anna.”

“Don’t even think about it.” Anna said. “It’s been a while since we all got to hang out, and I don’t care if we are planning an abduction or a killing spree we are hanging out today.”

Liam groaned and slapped his hand over his face.

“Calm down Liam.” Jake says, putting an around Cam’s waist. “You’ll get use to the fact that these ladies doesn’t listen to us.”

“U-huh, I don’t think the elders would like that.” I said.

“Hey…” Serenity says, “what’s this?”

“A map?” Aaron says.

“No duh, genius.” Serenity says, “I meant this.”

She pointed the spot which Liam marked.

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