Passenger Seat

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title from Stephen's Speak

Ok, so this is a bit of a messy chapter... this is what a draft is supposed to be, lol... i'm just in a real hurry to post this cause i'm suppose to work on something and hand it in in two hours, so... urgh! i'm hanging by the thread here, but oh well... got to loce stress! anyways...



 “You look really beautiful...” a little girl says to Serenity.

Serenity smiled and patted down the ruffles of her gown, “Why thank you.”

“Are you a princess?” a little boy asks her.

She gave a giggle, “For tonight, I’m not.”

“Well, you look like a princess.” Another boy says, “I say you are.”

“Yeah!” the other kids that was around her cheered.

The children’s parents laughed as they watch their kids surround Serenity, intrigued of her wardrobe.

“Why don’t you want to be a princess?” one girl asked, all their eyes turned from joyful to curious.

“Well,” she looked around, “cause tonight I’m a bride.”

I couldn’t help but smile hearing her say that. Pride and love swelled in me that the astronauts sees me as more than a blimp outside their capsule’s window.

A little boy tugged her by the skirt, and she gracefully turned to him, making sure she doesn’t hit any of the kids with her balloon of a skirt. And I must say, Anna had done a wonderful job designing the gown, it was as if designed for Serenity and for her alone.

“What’s a bwide?” the little boy asked.

“Well, a bride is a lady who will be married to the love of her life.” she said, “Like when your mommies married your daddies.”

“So you’re having babies?” one girl asked with open mouth.

She glanced my way, a blush creeping in her cheeks. I raised a brow, as curious as the little girl was.

“Well, not yet.” She says, not taking her eyes away from me, “But I’d sure would want one… or two.”

I chuckled and nodded. Noted. I thought.

You’ll rip your face if you don’t stop grinning. I heard Josephine tease.

I sighed, Tease me all you want, cause it will be the last night we’d be together, Josie.

Urgh! Quit it with the nickname, dork.

 I stifled another laugh hearing her getting annoyed.

Looking back now, the few times that Josephine saved me, talked with me and dragged me back to sanity, learning exactly how teenagers talked nowadays that it often drove me back to insanity… I was pretty sure I’ll miss her.

And I’ll make sure she knows it.

Hey, Josie?

What? She snapped.

I’m gonna miss you.

She grew quiet, then I felt all warm inside, finally satisfied.

I will miss you too… she says, her voice had a hint of a smile, dork.

I smiled and continued to watch Serenity playing around with the children.

She will be a great mother. Josephine says.

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