Move On

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Title from Bruno Mars

Sorry, i can't help myself, so here's Aaron's chapter, lol...



Previously on Daughter of the Moon

Aaron's POV

“You can't give up just like that.”

I watch her swallow the lump on her throat, like I did after saying that short painful line.

“This is your mate.” I continued, “He may not like or want you now, but he will need you.”

“Need me?” I asked.

Yeah, like I do... I thought, but quickly pushed the thought out of my head and continued, “He is Anna's brother, that means he has alpha blood in him. And alphas are meant to accept their mates, whether they like them or not. The reason he isn't healing properly cause his wolf refuses to.”

“What do I have to do with it?” slowly, she was growing worried.

That look pierced the knife deeper in my heart.

“He refused to heal him cause he rejected you.” I answered, “By refusing you, he also refused your wolf.”

To people who knew what was really going in my mind would probably think i'm crazy for telling her these things, but she needed to know. She needs to save her mate.

“Oh...” I said, understanding now.

I couldn't help but stifle a laugh seeing how small she saw the situation.

“Oh is right,” I put on my serious face, the one that masks myself. “If he breaks this bond and anger his wolf, he may lose his wolf. To lose his wolf means half of him is missing, and when that happens...”

She needs to know, I felt my wolf trying to tell me.

“What is it Aaron?” she asked, his eyes almost begging to know.

“He could die.” Her eyes widened, “You wouldn't though,” I blurted out, hoping that it was what she was worrying about now. Of course, I knew better. “You would feel the lost, your wolf knows why you were rejected, she knows your real story, I doubt she can blame you for anything...”

At that moment, color slowly slip back on her face, I felt her calm down, but she was shaking. And I don't think she noticed.

“But still,” I continued “the cold and the hollow feeling, it will always be there.”

She just stood there, staring at me. In her most vulnerable moment I have ever seen her in. And I was the cause of that fear. I knew better than to scare her, she wouldn't leave him now.

I would have better chances of that happening if she was still that stubborn girl we met who refused to see anyone eye to eye. Especially not Jake.

That was why we grew close. We like irritating Jake.

I learned how her mind work. I knew what her next moves and words would be. I got to know her and she told us her story.

It wasn't out of pity that I began to like her, on the contrary, it actually amazed me how strong she is now after all that had happened to her.

Unlike the girl that has a tear streaked face in front of me, who will probably crumble any moment once that jerk of a mate of hers say another word about her.

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