I See The Lights

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title from Mandy Moor & Zachary Levi (OST Tangled)

by Alan Menken the ultimate Disney Music man!!!!



Previously in Daughter of the Moon

“Oh, hey…” Jake turned around with one brow raised, “Who brought me home?”

“Eric and Aaron.” He said. “Seriously, I don’t know what you did, but you have that two whipped. I’m not sure if Serenity would be happy about that, but as long as you keep your hands to yourself, I don’t think there’ll be any problem.”

Jean laughed and pitched a pillow at him, “Get out of here.” he laughed and tossed the pillow back to her, leaving her thinking of what he said.

Jean slumped back in bed, her head hitting the pillow. Then she grabbed another one and put it over her face and screamed against it and slamming her fists on her sides until she felt better.

For a few minutes she laid still, staring at the ceiling, then she sat up in an Indian sit and made her decision.

To fight for him would make me a fool, then again, I’d be a fool not to. She thought.

Suddenly the door swung open with Aaron carrying a tray, glass and vase toppled over the food.

“What the h*ll Aaron?” Jean says with a grin, teasing, “You ruined my first breakfast in bed.”

“She just woke up.” he said, completely brushing off what Jean said. “Serenity’s awake.”

Tasha’s POV

We were in her bedroom where she was just sitting there in Eric’s arms, scared that he’ll leave.

“Serenity, love, you need to eat.” The man who was said to be Uncle Luke says; but Serenity shook her head in response.

“You won’t be able to leave this room if you don’t.” Siam says.

“I don’t want to leave.” She said, snuggling closer to Eric, who just sighed and gave us all a pleading look.

Obviously, he asked for our help the moment Serenity woke up, half crazed and scared. It took Eric, Siam and Liam to calm her down, now she won’t let anyone touch her but Eric.

“Maybe we should go.” Anna says, “So you can get more rest.”

Serenity shook her head.

We all shrugged. It was all too confusing. She didn’t want us near, but she didn’t want us out of her sight. It was like a mother hen looking after her chicks.

“Princess,” Liam says, he was sitting by Serenity’s feet, “you need to get some rest. You haven’t eaten, you were injured and you lost your baby.”

I frowned, what is he doing?

It took us three grown men and two hours to calm her down only to have her get all riled up again. Serenity let out a sob in an instant.

“No one wanted that to happen, but it did.” Liam said, “It wasn’t your fault, it was no one’s fault. If there’s anyone to blame it would be Yuri, do you hear me Serenity?”


“No, no buts.” Liam says, “I am not letting him take away your life too, Serenity. He took mom’s and now he’s taking yours by taking away something you love. Don’t let him do this Serenity.” Serenity just stared at him, “You deserve to be happy and to live in a way you want, and if it means that we’ll have to look after you every waking hour of the day then we will.” He then lent out a hand, “And you can’t say no to that, cause it’s totally worth it.”

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