.Be OK.

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Title from Ingrid Michaelson



“Just listen to this and let your wolf lead.” I said “You’ve marked her, she’ll be easier to find.”

He gave a long deep sigh and nodded. “Thank you.”

“It’s the least I can do.” I said, and it was true. I hurt Jean more than Cole did, I think. I told her that she was going to be happy with her mate, but I took away that chance the moment they met.

“Will you be fine?” he asked.

I rolled my eyes, and smirked. “Cole, I was kidnapped by hunters and vampires and got home without any bruise or wounds except from the chains they put on me and maybe a little hungry and dehydrated… I think I can manage.” We both gave a light laugh, “Besides, it looks like the fates are smiling down on us.”

He shrugged again and stared at the piece of paper in his hand, “Not all of us.”


I stepped out of Cole’s room and left him to pack and think by himself. He needed to solve this alone, I don’t want to make matters worse as it is.

“Seems everyone’s leaving.”

I turned and saw Gelya leaning by the banister, arms crossed over her chest.

“Looks like it.” I sighed.

“I heard that the royal family will be leaving for the new city, have you decided where you will be staying?”

“Oh, uhm, not really.” I said, “I mean, I’m here with Cole and the others. But if Cole is leaving, I don’t really know where to go.”

“You do know there’s a way for you to decide.”

I knew she was talking about Liam, but remembering Aaron’s words, that was close to impossible.

“You heard Liam.” I said in almost a whisper, “He doesn’t see me like that.”

“Have you asked him yourself?” Gelya asked.

“I don’t think I have the right to.” I said. “I mean, if I am his mate, then I don’t think we’re off to a good start and its my fault,” I rolled my eyes, “again.”

Gelya chuckled, “Little one, I don’t think you are to blame for Cole and Jean’s situation.”

“Yes it is.” I said, “I’ve foretold there connection, I told Jean to hold on and wait. And what do I do? I took away the only person that she was to have all to herself, the person who’s supposedly never to hurt her.”

“Well, it taught her to wait, didn’t it? You taught her to hope and trust again. You taught her that in reality, even the person that’s suppose to be your hero can be the one who locks you away. Until he has a change of heart.”

“A little too late.” I shrugged.

“But it isn’t.” Gelya walked up to me and reached for my shoulder, “Remember, dum spiru spero.”

“While there’s air there’s hope.” I said.

“That’s right, and the same goes for you.” she says, “Liam is a pure breed, his mother was pure until she became half vampire. Right now he doesn’t trust anyone who is not of his kind. He can’t even look at me when he talks. Sadly, you are in the same page as I am, but remember when you first saw him?”

Chained ThroneOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora