The A Team

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Title from Ed Sheeran

So there, seeing a lot had made guesses from the last post, i think you are going ot love this one... :) to the next level... this just shows that our story is far from ending yet... so hold on to your sit cause the next few pages and chapters will be a bumpy ride... :)



Cole’s POV

“I already brought her here, isn’t that enough?” I snapped.

Tasha, my supposed best friend, rolled her eyes. “She saved you-“

“She’s the one who brought me there!”

“You were meant to be there.” she pointed. “Why can’t you put that in their?” poking me on the side of the head.

“Cause I don’t want to do what you are telling me to.” I say grabbing her hand and pushing it away from me.

“Its fate Cole-“

“If that is what that ball and cards of yours is telling you then tell it that I’m doing ok and I don’t need fate.”

“You’re a shifter, you need-“

I groaned knowing where this argument was leading.

“Not that again Tasha, please.” I said, exasperated and turned stormed out of her tent.

I hear her footsteps behind me and braced myself to an hour of lecture.

It had been four days since I arrived back home with the girl, and she had been asleep since we arrived. Thank goodness, cause I didn’t have the strength to know what her deal was. In three days we were suppose to leave for her home, which will take two days trip by wolf form. It would have been a day if we didn’t need to dodge the towns.

“Cole Timothy Jameson you come back here, I’m not done talking to you.” she snapped.

I internally groaned knowing that she is seriously angry now seeing she just used my whole name. But it would take more than that to make me have this conversation.

“No.” I said.

“Cole, I swear to all the gods, I will hurt you if you don’t stop!” she stomped her foot.

I snorted, the idea alone was laughable. She was human, she can’t-

“Oof!” I fell down face first, and if it wasn’t for my hands, I would have done a face plant.

I tried to stand but I couldn’t move my legs. Then I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

“Let me go Tasha.” I said.

“No, if it is the only way for you to listen-“

“This is cheating you know that?”

“Shut up!” she snaps and knelt beside me and rolled me to my back. I sighed and sat up looking at her and she looked right back with determined eyes, “You don’t belong here Cole.”

“Way to boost my confidence Tasha.” I said.

“Would you just grow up Cole?” she hits me with the back of her hand, but like I said, she’s human- no matter how powerful a witch she is.

“Fine, but can you please let loose of your hold with my body parts?”

She sighed and released my legs from some invisible lock she had on it. Then we both sat on the ground, cross legged, she had her hand on her knees and I had mine crossed over my chest as we continue to look at each other.

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