Won't Back Down

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Title from Eminem ft. Pink

So here's the promised chapter... And I checked with my timeline and I can't wait to work on the coming chappies... hope I have time for it though... anyway!!

I just want to thank you guys who are checking out my other work... Crossing Borders and What's Behind Curtain Number 3? are getting a lot of attention from you guys and I love it... thank you so much...

In the same note, I'd like to give a holler to the new fans, readers and to EVERYONE!!!!!!

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!! Cheers for 2012!!!!

-message end here-




I stirred and groaned the moment i moved. Cold steel pressed underneath me, the parts that contacted with the steel were sore and I was sure that there'll be bruising there.

I opened my eyes only to be welcomed by a great light hovering over my head.

A light bulb, I thought, how typical.

I push myself to sit, biting my lower lips fighting the urge to groan or whimper as m body scream in protest of being moved.

I looked around the room, but could barely see anything as the bulb only lit half a meter around what seems to be a cage that I was in.

Again, how original. i thought.

I look around and guessed that the cage was insinuated in the middle of the windowless room.

How long had I been out? I wondered.

There was not much difference really. If Serenity was captured as well, then there is no hope for even me to be saved.

I sighed and moved to the side of the cage and leaned on the side.


In an instant, I remember the last time we spoke.

I know he is probably disappointed, maybe even hurt. But I was sure he wasn't mad.

He can never be mad at me.

I groaned at the thought, just one of the things to prove that he does have feelings for me. And its probably for some time seeing it was such a bug deal to him.

But how was I to know?

All I know was I got through him. He listens to me cause I earned his trust. That, somehow, I think I remind him of his little sister. But I never thought of asking him.

Well, what was I supposed to ask him if I didn't even know what he felt for me.

It's not that I can never feel the same. In fact, I might have liked him for some time, but my judgement knew better. He was a shifter, if I wasn't his mate, then it is never meant to be. It would be useless.

Beside, he was one of the few who I truly trusted, and to ruin that by having a relationship and later on coming across with his mate, then we'll have to part or worse, choose.

I wouldn't want that.

I don't want to hurt him by pushing him to his mate; then again, there's the small fact that I was scared to be hurt myself. And by someone like Cole, it would break me like... well, a broken hearted girl.

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