Chapter Five

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There's a smile on my face when I wake up, thinking about the day before. When I went to bed last night, I remember thinking over everything that had happened. Maybe I did like James Potter, a little bit.  I smiled at the thought.

He obviously wasn't as bad as he was the past few years, but I think I'm going to take Marilyn's advice, that James really had changed. I think I'll tell Alice and Marilyn that I do like him later. I just want to have this information for a little while before I tell anyone.

I got up and got dressed and put on a little makeup and then headed down to breakfast. When I got down the stairs and into the common room, James was quietly talking with Sirius in the corner at his desk. They didn't see me come in, so I tried not to eavesdrop, but I still could hear what they were saying.

"James, I think she likes you, you should ask her out. If you do, I just know that she'll say yes," Sirius whispered to James.

"I don't know. What if she doesn't like me back. I don't want to ruin out friendship. We just became friends, and I just don't want to blow it." James whispered back.

"James, you've loved her since first year, and now you've changed and she can see that! She'll HAVE to go out with-"

Then, they noticed I was standing there and staring at them, and they just both smiled at me. I smiled back.

"Hey! Did you hear any of what we just said?" James asked nervously. I don't think he would be happy if I said I had heard any of it, so I just shook my head. They both sighed in relief.

"Okay. Do you guys want to go down to breakfast?" I asked them, changing the subject.

"Anything for you love!" Sirius yelled, and James hit him in the head, whispering 'Stop it right now' to Sirius.

"Yeah, lets go." James growled, giving Sirius a glare. We walked out of our common room in silence, and down the halls, James and Sirius giving each other weird looks, as if they were having a conversation only using facial expressions.

"So," I said, breaking the silence after two minutes. "How's your classes going?" The classes I had with them were herbology, DADA, potions and astronomy. The classes I didn't have with them were charms, care of magical creatures and transfiguration.

"Well, Prongs here has top grades in transfiguration." Sirius said, wriggling his eyebrows at me.   "I suppose your have top grades in all of your classes."

"Well, I have an E in transfiguration." I told him. I didn't want to have and E in any of my classes, but I wasn't the best in transfiguration.

"Well, James could always help you with your homework." Sirius offered. James gave Sirius a look, and then smiled at me. Well, I guess he could help me a little bit. We walked into the great hall and Alice, Marilyn, Remus and Peter were already sitting at the table.

I sat down next to Alice, James sitting next to me and Sirius across from James. Alice and Marilyn grinned at me, and I glared at them, hoping they wouldn't say anything about me and James.

"Hey guys." Remus said smiling. Me, James and Sirius all said hi back and started eating. It was Sunday, so we didn't have any classes.

James and Sirius were bound to be down at the Quidditch pitch all day, practicing for their first game of the season next weekend. I was planning to be up in the library all day studying.

Marilyn and Sirius went into conversation about the upcoming Halloween dance, and how the prefects and the head boy and girl were going to be planning it. The prefects from Gryffindor were Remus and Alice.

Frank, Alice's boyfriend came over and sat next to Peter, and said hi to everyone, joining in on the conversation on the Halloween dance. Alice and Frank were already going together, it didn't seem like either of them needed to ask.

When we finished breakfast, me, Remus, Alice, Marilyn and Frank went up to the library to study, while James, Sirius and Peter went down to the Quidditch pitch. Peter  always loved cheering on James and Sirius, but he never wanted to actually try it out.

I needed to run up to my room to get some of my things, and someone was waiting at the portrait.

"What are you doing here Severus?" I growled, trying not to let tears spill from my eyes.

"Lily, I just wanted to talk to you." He pleaded. I glared at him.

"About what, may I ask?"

"What are you doing hanging around Potter and Black? You hate them!"

"For your information, I do not hate them. They have turned out to be more kind to me this year." I told him.

"This is just Potter's plan to get you to go out with him. You can't trust him."

"Oh, so I can't trust them, but I can trust you? I've heard you've signed up with you-know-who. How is that going? Is it a dream come true?"


"No! He changed! People change, Severus. And James has become my friend, whether you like it or not!" I yelled at him.

"Lily, you have to believe me. Potter will-" He was cut off by James, who had used the silencing spell.

"Go on. Leave Lily alone. You have no right to be talking to her." James growled.

I burst into tears, and ran away, up a long set of stairs and found an empty classroom. I cried for only a couple minutes, until someone entered the room. He slid down and put his arm around me, and I leaned my head on his shoulder. It was James. I could tell.

"It'll be alright," He whispered. He kissed me on the top of my head, and I smiled. We stayed like that for about ten minutes, until I broke the silence.

"Why were you there? I thought you had Quidditch practice."

"I had to get something from my room."

"How did you find me so fast?" I asked, thinking out loud.

"Ummm, it's kind of complicated." He said nervously.

"Oh. You don't have to tell me. It doesn't matter."

"Okay." Five minutes later, we walked into our common room, hand in hand, and we each went up to our separate rooms. Alice and Marilyn were waiting up there for me.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked.

"You said you were going to go back to your room and be back within a few minutes. It's been forty-five minutes! We were just worried." Marilyn said quickly. I smiled, and then, they both raised their eyebrows. I decided that I may as well tell them about James.

"What's going on with you and James . . . Do you like him?!" Alice said, a wide grin growing on her face. Marilyn looked at me hopefully.

"Ummm . . . It's kinda complicated . . . I think I do like him, maybe just a little." I said, a small smile forming on face. They squealed and were asking me questions a mile a minute. We talked and talked about him, and after almost an hour of talking, we went to the library.


Hey guys!!! I have 25 views! I'm so happy to have some readers!! Sorry for the long chapter, but I wanted to have lots of things happen in this chapter. Please leave suggestions and vote!! Also, let me know if I should start a "James POV". And also have someone new come to Hogwarts, who may or may not be I great friend of Lily and James'!



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