Chapter Six

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Only a few weeks have passed, and me and James were getting closer and closer. I was happy that he wasn't always asking me out. But, I decided the next time he asked me out, that I would say yes. I was happy that Marilyn and Alice hadn't told anyone about my crush on James, but why would they? Their my best friends, they would never let that slip.


As I walked into potions with Marilyn and Alice, something smelled nice, and I thought I could smell James, but he was nowhere in sight. I looked to the front of the room, and saw a small potion with its cap off. Slughorn usually puts out the potion that we would be brewing that day up at the front with its cap off.

After everyone filled into the class, Slughorn started to talk.

"Hello, all of you, I hop you are all feeling well today. Now, can anyone tell me what this little potion is?" He boomed. I raised my hand, but Slughorn looked behind me, and said, "Yes, Mr. Potter?" Wow. James almost never raises his hand, especially in potions.

"This potion is called amortentia. It is one of the most powerful potions in the world. You can tell by the way it smells. It smells to whatever appeals to us."

"Nicely said. Five points to Gryffindor. Now class, I would like for you to gather up into groups of two and get your ingredients and instructions." Slughorn said cheerfully.

We were brewing amortentia, a love potion. I hoped that I would brew it correctly. Marilyn and Sirius paired, while Remus and Peter paired, Alice and Frank paired.

"Hey. Do you want to be partners?" James asked from behind me. I turned, smiled, and said, "Yeah, of course. I'll get the ingredients and you get the instructions. Okay?"

"Okay." He smiled at me and left.

After twenty minutes of the potion brewing, the potion was supposed to be done, and I felt angry with James.

"I can't smell anything over your pounds of conditioner! I know I did it right, but I cant smell anything." I said angrily to him.

"Well maybe I could smell something over all your perfume!" He said back.

"James, I didn't put any perfume on this morning."

"Well, I didn't get to shower this morning because Sirius felt the need to hog it. Complaining that his special hair needed attention. Ugh." We both awkwardly laughed, each putting it all together. I blushed furiously as Slughorn dismissed us.

I quickly walked out, and to the great hall for lunch. I sat down, Marilyn and Alice on either side of me, and then the Marauders came in. Sirius sat across from me, with James on his left and Remus on his right. Marilyn blushed and so did Sirius, and I smiled. I think that Marilyn and Sirius liked each other. I hoped they would get together.

It seemed that James hadn't told them, and I was grateful. If James told them, it would be all over the school that Lily Evans liked James Potter. But I guess that wouldn't be so bad.


A few days later, I was sitting at the Gryffindor table with Alice, James, Remus and Frank. I don't know where Peter is, though he never is around a lot anymore anyway. Sirius and Marilyn were in the library studying together. James was talking about the Quidditch match tomorrow, and even though I wasn't crazy about Quidditch, I did like it. James was the seeker and Head Captain.

After about twenty more minutes of talking about the game, we left to go to the library. Just as we turned the cornner, we saw Sirius and Marilyn snogging outside the library. Mine and James' mouths dropped, but Alice smiled, and Frank laughed.

"Alright, Padfoot?" James asked, a cocky smirk on his face. Marilyn and Sirius pulled away, both blushing so that their faces both looked like bright red tomatoes.

"Shouldn't we go and study?" Asked Marilyn, trying to change the subject. I smiled at her and raised my eyebrows, and she smiled back.


The following day I was down at breakfast, talking with Marilyn. She couldnt stop talking about Sirius and happy she was with him. I was happy for them, but if Sirius even hinted  about breaking her heart, I would have to break one of his limbs.

"You talking about me?" Sirius asked, James at his side. They cam and sat down, Sirius next to Marilyn and James next to me.

"Yes, actually." Marilyn said.

"What a great subject."

"Hey Lily," James grinned.

"Hey! Are you excited?" I asked him.

"Yeah, of course! We will definitly win against Slytherin!"

"Only if James doesn't try to impress you." Sirius said, dodgeing James' punch. My face turned red and Marilyn went on with her conversation. Sirius James gave each other knowing glances.


Most of the stands were colored red and gold. I looked down at the feild and saw as James shook hands with the Slytherin Team Captian and then Madam Hooch blew the whistle and they were off.

One of the gryfindor chasers, had made a goal in the Slytherin hoop within the first two minutes. Then, the quaffle was passed from one chaser to another and Gryfindor made another goal! Then the the Slytherins had go hold of the quaffle and they made their way towards the gryfindor hoop and . . . it was a goal. The Slytherins cheered loudly. It kept going on like that until it was 60-50, and Gryfindor was in the lead. James then dived and I knew he had seen the snitch. All the Gryffindor cheered him on.

The Slytherin seeker was right after James, and James reached his hand out. He was so close . . . and he caught it! Gryfindor had won the first game of the season! The rest of the team had come down to the ground and pumped their fists in the air. All the Gryfindors in the stands had rushed down to the field.

I ran up to James and hugged him and yelled, "Great job!" He hugged me back tight and grinned at me, his hazel eyes shining.


Hey guys! Sorry this chapter felt rushed, I'm a terrible writer, but I want to try to get better. Thank you all for reading my fanfiction, I really apreciate it! Also, please vote and leave comments and suggestions! Also, I would like to know if you guys want me to have different points of views, like 'James POV', 'Severus POV', stuff like that! Thank you all!



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