Chapter Fifteen

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~Lily POV~

Something seemed off when James, Sirius and James's Dad had come home after their 'shopping'. Even though I kept trying to ask everyone where they had really gone, they would either smile and say, "You'll see sooner or later." or "I'll never tell." or "Never you mind.".

"Hey, Sirius?" I ask casually, trying not to let him think about it too much, so he will just tell me without thinking.

"If this is about yesterday, I'm not going to tell you." He says, not looking up from the newspaper he was reading.

"Ugh! Come on, Sirius! I know you guys weren't shopping! Just tell me!"

"We were shopping."

"Please just tell me. I want to know where you guys went. And besides, I didn't see any bags when you guys got back,"

"The thing that we went shopping for . . . wasn't in stock." Sirius says, stopping only for a few seconds to think about his answer.

"You hesitated."

"Oh, shut up, I'm not going to tell you what we bought."

"Ugh!" I say, throwing my arms in the air, and shaking my head. "I'm gonna do some homework."

"I thought you finished it!"

"I did, but now I'm going to study for NEWTS."

"The NEWTS are months away!"

"Yes, but its good to get a good head start. I personally think that I should have started studying more earlier in the year, but I only got to a few things I wanted to study."

"Okay, then."

"Where's James?"

"Up in his room doing stuff."

"Okay. See you." I say, leaving the room. I walk up the tall staircase, sown the hall, and knock on James and Sirius's room.

"Come on." James's voice says from inside the room.

"Hey, James." I say. He grins and says, "Hey Lily."

"So . . . what're you doing?"


"About what?"

"You." I smile, and kiss him on the cheek.

"Your sweet. And, can I ask . . . where did you go yesterday?"


"For what?"

"Something special for you."

"Oooh. What is it?"

"Well, I cant tell you, can I?"

"Please? I'll give you a kiss!"

"I can get a kiss without telling you what we got."

"Nope!" James leans in, and trys to kiss me, but I jump up and say, "You'll have to catch me first! Or, you can just tell me what you got me." James jumps up too, and I bolt out of the room, laughing. James follows. We run all around the house, laughing, and when we get back to their room, I'm cornered.

"I've got you now!" James says, grinning.

"Yes, you got me." I smile, and wrap my arms around his neck, and kiss him hard on his lips. He kisses me back, pulling me close, and lifting me off the ground. I put my legs around his waist, one hand in his hair, one on his neck. When we pull away, I miss the feeling of his lips on mine.

"I love you, Lily."

"I love you more, James."

"Okay, you do not love me more than I Iove you."

"No, I think I do."

"What do you love about me?"

"I love your smile. I love the way your eyes light up when you see me. I love how much you care about your family and friends. I love the way you talk about Quidditch. I love the way you run your hand through your hair. I love when you show how much love you give your parents, even though most people feel embarrassed around their parents. I love when you stand by your friends and help them in any way you can. I love everything about you."


"See? I do love you more than you love me."

"I still think I that's not true."

"What do you love about me then?"

"I love your emerald green eyes. I love when you talk about your books and studying. I love how you see the good in everyone, even Snape. I love how your always so serious about your passions. I love how good of a role model you are for younger children. I love that you will always trust me. I love when your eyes light up when you see your friends. I love when you smile at me. I love everything about you." I kiss him lightly. We stay like that for a while. I don't know how long, but its nice.


~James POV~

Lily is wrapped in my arms, and when I wake up, I grin. I can tell she's awake, and I pull her close.

"Hey." She says, turning and facing me.

"Hey." I say, kissing her forehead.

"Have you ever loved anyone other than me?" She asks suddenly, and I'm baffled.


"Have you loved anyone other than me?" She repeats.

"Lily, I have loved you ever since I first saw you. I know you didn't like me then, but I have always loved you. You are my entire world."

"Have you ever noticed other girls?"

"Well, yes, I have noticed other girls. But none of them have stuck. You always had my heart, even if you didn't want it. My heart belongs to you, and to you only." She gives me a small smile.

"Who was your first kiss?"

"You, actually." I say, remembering it if it was yesterday.


"I remember, after our fourth year, when everyone  leaving the platform, I just walked up to you, and kissed you. You were so angry about it, you slapped me, and stormed off."

"Oh. I remember that. Sorry."

"Don't be sorry. I was just being James." She smiles, kisses me lightly on the cheek, snuggles up next to me, and falls asleep.


Hey guys! Sorry it has been a while since I updated. Thank you all for all the reads and votes! Shout out to:


Thank you for voting and giving me comments and suggestions!! And, I will soon be making a Hinny fanfic, but I'm not sure when. I'm thinking when I'm finished with this fanfic I will. since I have two fanfics right now. Thank you again, and please, leave more comments!! I want to know how you like it!



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