Chapter Twelve

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The classroom is filled with the words "Expecto Patronum". I look over and see that James, Remus, Sirius and Peter have all made their full Patronuses. James's is a stag. Sirius's is a big dog. Remus's is a wolf. Peter's is a rat. Jealousy rushed over me, as I see that they've got it on their first try.

"Expecto Patronum!" I whisper. A small wisp of white comes out from the tip of my wand. James comes over sand says, "What's your happiest memory?"

"When I became Headgirl." I say, focusing back onto forming a Patronus.

"Lily, that's not good enough!" I turn and look at him.

"What else should I do then?"

"Think about it . . . what was the best day of your life?"

"Well, I could do when I got my Hogwarts letter?"

"Sure. Try it."

"Expecto Patronum!" Now the animal, I can see has four, long skinny legs.

"That's it!" James says, pumping his fist in the air. "Keep trying. All you think about is the memory. Just the memory."

"Expecto Patronum!" I say. And finally, finally, I get an animal. A doe. James says the spell, and a silver white stag comes out. The doe and the stag walk towards each other, and my doe licks the stag's face. James gives me a funny look. Everyone in the room stops to look. I can hear Sirius chuckling in the corner.

"What?" I ask.

"Alright, alright, class dismissed." The DADA teacher says. I'm the first out, and with Marilyn and Alice come out, they take my each of my arm and led me away. They don't talk until we reach mine and James's common room. They through me onto the small couch, and then they start squealing and jumping up and down.

"What is wrong with you two?" I ask.

"Well, it just looked to me that James Potter is your soul mate!" Alice said in a sing-song voice.

"Woah, woah, woah, James Potter and I are not soul mates!"

"Oh, really, then how can you explain what just happened?" Marilyn argues.

"Guys, I like James. A lot. But that definitely doesn't mean that he's my soul mate!" Just then, James Potter himself walks in, grinning from ear to ear.

"Hey Lily." He says quickly, and then runs up into his dorm, Remus, Sirius and Peter trailing closely behind him.

"See that? See that?" Alice asks.

"See what?"

"James thinks it, too!"

"You don't know that! He just said, 'Hey Lily.' and left the room quickly."

"Sure, sure, sure." Marilyn comments.

"Ugh! Alright, I'm just going to go to lunch. See you crazies later." I say, picking up my book bag and leaving the common room.


As I walked down towards the Great Hall, whispers followed me. Some girls gave me death glares, some pointed at me and whispered to whoever was next to them. It was very annoying. So, I decided that if it was this bad in the halls, that I want to skip lunch.

I find myself in the library, studying in a lone corner, where I was hidden behind bookshelves so nobody could point at me and whisper. I opened my potions book and took out my piece of parchment, dipped my quill in ink, and started on my homework.

Not even ten minutes later, James, Sirius, Remus and Peter walked in. Remus went straight for a book, sitting down and reading. Meanwhile, James, Sirius and Peter walked over towards me.

"Hey Lily," all four of them said at the same time.


"Mind if we sit here?"


"Alright, thanks." They all had books on Patronuses, and on the cover, said, 'What does your Patronus mean?', 'Patronus: Finding what they mean', and 'Patronuses and what they mean'.

Ugh. Maybe they do think that we're . . . soul mates. Well, maybe we are. Lily, you don't really think that? I ask myself. Maybe I do. I mean, it all adds up. But you cant be soul mates with James Potter! Maybe I am. Maybe.

I fall into my thoughts and out of reality, and I don't even notice James talking to me. I only take notice when he waves his hand in front of my face.

"Yes?" I ask.

"Sorry, I just said bye. We're leaving." He said, grinning funnily.

"Oh, okay. What did you find out in your books?"

"Oh, nothing much . . ."

"James, I know why your looking in there. You can tell me the truth."

"Well . . . okay, fine, but not here." He said, taking my hand in his. He quickly put all of his books back, and then led me out of the library, down the hall, up a long set of stairs, and into the Astromany tower.

"Can you tell me now?"

"Okay, so, what I found out was that if two Patronuses have animals that would be normally mate in the real world, that the two casters would be . . . soul mates. I'm sorry, you probably don't even believe me-" I cut James off with a kiss. But, this time, it feels different. I can feel something in my heart, that wasn't there before. Something like longing. It feels like only seconds later that we pull away, and we're both grinning. Something's changed. And I feel that it's a good change.


Okay, sorry, that last paragraph is totally cheesy, but I needed to do something. And, I was going to stop writing this story, but then I changed my mind. That is one of my greatest flaws: not making commitments. But, whatever. Here it is, and I hope you liked it! Please leave suggestions and comments! Please vote! Oh, and I almost forgot. Know what, I'm not going to lie! I have got 18 votes and 142 reads!! Thank you all! ILYSM!



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