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Camila's POV

I feel my phone vibrate next to me on the bed, I'm so tired so I don't bother to look who's calling me.

Dinah: giiirrrllll get yo ass up were going to a party tonight!

Camila: D, Shut the fuck up it's way too early for this shit but yeahhh I'm up for a party..

Dinah: Hoe, it's 1:30 pm get yo ass out of bed, I'm at your house in 10 minutes and you better be out of your bed lazy ass hoe!

She says before hanging up and I groan, throwing my phone on the bed. I slowly sit up and get out of bed, I walk towards the bathroom and brush my teeth.

I hear the front door of my condo and Dinah yelling my name.

"IN THE BATHROOM" I yell back at her and she walks into my bedroom, letting herself fall on my bed and waiting for me to come back into my bedroom. As I do that I throw myself on my bed and Dinah gets up walking to my closet.

She throws some black jeans and a black croptop at me. While I get up and open my bedroom window. I pick up my lighter and cigarettes from my bedside table and light my cigarette, I take a drag of it while hanging out of the window.

After I'm done smoking, I change into the clothes Dinah threw at me, and some black heels. I start doing my make up, while Dinah smokes a joint and dances around in the room on the music she put on.

I look behind me at my bedroom and see that Dinah fell, I start laughing and she glares at me while getting up and continues dancing.

(8 hours later)

I'm sitting on a couch in a random house where the party is held with Dinah, I spot my other best friend Normani on the other side of the room and she is walking towards us.

"Hiiii hoeessssss"
She giggles, yes she's high.. I think.
"D, I'm going for a refill" I say while walking to the kitchen where my friend Nick is standing mixing drinks and pouring drinks into cups. He fills my cup with a mysterious drink, and I walk towards the livingroom.

I see my friend Shawn sitting on a love seat, with his guitar in his lap. I run towards him

"I WANNA SING, I WANNA SING!" I say excitedly.

"OKAY OKAY Calm down girl jeez" he says.
"Which song?" He asks.
"Uhmm" I think while sitting on the arm of the love seat.
"You know that one song?" I say, obviously drunk.

I start laughing, "y-you know that song?"
"That song that we wrote last year?" He asks.
"YEAH THAT ONE!" I yell.

He starts playing, and I start singing.


Everybody in the room looks at us and laughs.
Someone passes me a joint and I take a drag, singing the song 'till it's over.

"Look bro, this was fun, we have to do this more often!" I say while getting up.

"But not now.... I GOTTA FUCK SOME OF THESE CHICKS TONIGHT!" I yell and laugh.

"God, that was funny.. I'm so funny!" I laugh.

I walk around the room and see a really hot girl standing there talking to a shorter girl.

I walk towards her, she looks at me and smiles, her friend walking to another room. "Hi, wanna dance?" I ask. She smiles and nods.


I start to wake up, fuck the lighting is so bright.. I'm not in my own room, that's for sure, but where am I then?

I see that I'm naked and look beside me, holy fuck, it's the hot girl from last night!

I see that she's starting to wake up. "Hi" she whispers. "Hi", I whisper back.

"Do you remember a thing that happened last night?" She asks.
"Mmmm" I mumble.


The hot girl and I danced for a while, we went to the kitchen and started doing shots. We both took like 5 shots and went back to beer. We shared a joint, and now we're back to dancing.

"How about we go to my apartment?" The girl, who's name is Lauren, had I learned says. "Sounds like a plan!" I say, and we walk out of the house, I spot Dinah while we walk to the door, I wink at her and follow the girl.

End of flashback

"I honestly only remember leaving the party with you" I admit.

I hear my phone ringing somewhere in the room so I sit up and pick up my phone out of a pocket in my jeans. I look at the caller I.D. and see it's Dinah.

Dinah: Girl where the fuck are you??
You know you were supposed to go to your parents this afternoon?!

I look at the time and curse.

Camila: Fuck! Uhm yeah can you pick me up? God, my mom is gonna kill me if I show up late again.. Remember last time?! For fuck sake...

Dinah: girl, relax, get ready, give your number to that girl cuz she's hot as fuck and if you text me the address I'll be there in like 5 to 10 minutes..

Camila: God I'm so lucky to have you, I promise I have some joints at my parents so you can come with me ;) Yeah I'll text you the address.. See you in 10 minutes then.. Bye D

Dinah: Bye walz

I hang up the phone and Lauren who still is laying down looks at me.

"I was supposed to go to my parents like right now so I have to leave, I'm so sorry.."

I say getting up and putting on my jeans and tank top.

"Mmm okay" She mumbles, obviously still tired from last night. "Where's your phone? I'll put my number in it" I say while smirking.

"It's somewhere in this room" she mumbles.
I look around the room and spot her phone, grabbing the phone and putting my number in the contacts, after that I put her number in my contacts as well. I walk towards the bed and lean over it, facing Lauren. I kiss her lips, "I need to go, I'm so sorry, I'll show myself the door and I'll text you" I say and she nods.

I walk through the condo while texting Dinah the address. I walk down the stairs and outside of the apartment building. I grab my packet of cigarettes and lighter out of my pocket. I light a cigarette and take a drag, smiling while thinking about last night.

After a few minutes I see Dinah's car pull up in front of me. She rolls down the window and smirks at me. I laugh and open the door, sitting in the passenger seat.

"Up to the Cabello's" Dinah says and starts the engine, while driving away I look at the apartment building and smile.

(Later that night)

I'm laying on my bed, realizing I still haven't texted Lauren.

I quickly pick up my phone and text her.

[Camila - 7:38 pm] Hey, it's Camila, from last night ;)

[Lauren - 7:41 pm] Hi!

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