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(One week later)

Camila's POV

Lauren hasn't been on school the last week,
We texted a few times and she told me she only went home once to change and been in the hospital ever since.

I just hope her little sister is okay..
I have a little sister myself, so I kinda know how she feels. When Sofia broke her arm once I felt fucked up for a whole week, mostly cause it was my fault. I mean, who let's their little sister go down a slide on skates? Yeah, right, I do.

I'm in English class right now.
Miss Hernandez still babysits our class in English classes, so the only thing we do is work in our workbooks and like talk or play around on our laptops or phones.

"So class" miss Hernandez starts.
Everybody looks up at her.

"Tomorrow miss Jauregui is back at school.. and I know her, she's gonna be mad at me if we didn't do anything this week, so I'm gonna write some things on the school board, and you write it in your notebooks so it looks like we did some work, deal?"

"Sure, if we don't have to do any shit it's all fine miss" a boy says, while everybody gets their notebooks out.


I just got out of school and I'm walking into my condo. I drop my backpack on the ground in the livingroom, and let myself fall onto the sofa.

I get out my phone and start texting Lauren.

[ Camila - 3:47 pm] hey, heard ur coming back 2 school tomorrow.. lil sis okay? you okay?
[ Lauren - 3:48 pm] hi, yeah I had to come.. tay only broke a leg and an arm. she was in a coma the last week so yeah.. i wanted to be there when she woke up, which she finally did, god I was so happy.. im okay too just soooo tired..
[ Camila - 3:49 pm] good to hear.. go to bed love.. get some sleep x
[ Lauren - 3:50 pm] so love huh? Nahh I like it ;) u r right imma go to bed.. ttyl x
[ Camila - 3:51 pm] ttyl, sleep well x

(Next morning)

It's 3rd period, which means English.
I'm going to see Lauren for the first time in more then a week.

When I walk into the classroom, she isn't there.
Everybody just sit down and talk, while Lauren walks in.

She starts talking when everybody gets silent.
"So hi class, as you see I'm back, and trust me, I know miss Hernandez, and I know you didn't do anything this last week so let's do something for once" she says.

Everybody groans and gets out their notebooks.

Lauren takes off her blazer and I see a new tattoo on the side of her wrist.

"Miss, do you have a new tattoo?" A boy asks, and Lauren nods.

"Aye our teacher is lit" a girl yells and everybody laughs.

"What does it mean miss?" Another girl asks.
"It says 'Angelica', I got it last weekend for my grandma who sadly passed away." She says.

"Do you have anymore tattoos miss?" A boy asks.

"I have 2 more, a dragonfly on the back of my neck, for my other grandma, and the number 27 in Roman numbers on my arm for my birthday and yeah that's it" she says while showing them, sitting on her desk.

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