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Camila's POV:

I open my eyes and immediately close them, cause the daylight's too bright.

I open them again and after a few seconds I'm used to the bright light that comes trough my window.

I grab my phone to look at the time; 9:45 am, great.

I look to my left and see Lauren laying there, still peacefully sleeping.

I lay back and roll on my side, wrapping my arms around Lauren from behind, I start kissing her neck.

I feel her starting to stir and her eyelashes flutter open.

"Good morning" I say softly, as she groans and answers with a "morning".

"What's the time?" She asks, as she yawns,
"9:50" I answer, looking at my phone again.

We lay in silence for a few minutes until I sit up, "wanna make some breakfast?" I ask and she nods.

She takes her time getting out of bed and we walk to the kitchen, I see a note laying on the kitchen island, so I pick it up.

Hi Cam,
When u read this Mani and I are goneee so u can spend som time with ur lover teacher ;)
Thank u sm for lettin us stay here for 2 days!
(I'll text u how the date went!)
Luv u x D

I laugh as I lay the note back on the kitchen island and jump on the counter,
"You're gonna have to make breakfast, cause when I cook I burn the kitchen down" I simply say.

"I once set my spaghetti on fire" I shrug.
"Damn, you really can't cook, huh" she smiles.
"Nope, you're right!" I say and I sway my legs back and forth on the counter.

"I'm gonna make some pancakes, that okay?" She asks and I nod.

While she makes the pancakes, I just sit there while we talk, and hand her some things.

When I try to pick a few strawberries from the bowl I had to hand her, my hand gets slapped away, while Lauren laughs and tells me to wait till breakfast's ready.

When we sit at the bar, since we were too lazy to actually sit at the dining table, and eat our pancakes, and I can finally eat the strawberries.

"So, what do you wanna do today?" I ask just as she stuffs a piece of pancake in her mouth.

" I bwont khnow" she says and I laugh.
"What?" I say laughing.
"I said; I don't know" she says after she swallows, and she also Laughs.

"Let's stay in bed all day" I say and she looks at me smirking.

"Not in that way!" I say, and she laughs.

I take her hand and lead her towards my bedroom, laying down in bed and pulling her with me.

I grab the remote and go to Netflix on my tv,
"What do you wanna watch?" I ask, looking to my side where Lauren is laying, cuddled up to me.

"I don't know, American horror story?" She asks and I nod, knowing she loves that show, and I love her so I would watch it for her.

I start a new episode and she sits up, full on concentrating on the screen in front of her.

I look at her side profile as she watches her favorite show attentively.

She is so beautiful; her beautiful dark brown hair in a cute messy bun she lazily put on top of her head, while her cute baby hairs fall down the back of her neck, her face pure and without makeup, but still so beautiful and she looks so cute in my oversized shirt.

I was staring at her and I didn't even notice her turning her head towards me and catches me staring at her, until I feel her lips on mine.

The kiss is slow and passionate and I'm loving it, she gets on top of me, since we were already laying down and we deeper in the kiss.

I was about to take off her shirt as her phone, which was laying on the bedside table, starts ringing.

She pulls back and sighs, rolling of me and grabbing her phone.

She looks at the caller ID and her eyes widen.
She lays back down next to me and slowly brings the phone to her ear.

"Hi mom!" She says, still slightly out of breath since our kiss a few seconds ago.

I notice I have to go to the toilet so I get up and walk into the bathroom while Lauren is still calling her mother.

I do my business and walk back to bed, getting underneath the covers and grabbing my phone, which was laying next to me.

I see a few texts, 4 from Dinah and 2 from my little sister.

I decide to open Dinah's text first, since I want to know how the date is going.

[ Dinah - 11:43 am] aye milaaa guess what
[ Dinah - 11:43 am] i asked Mani to be mah gf
[ Dinah - 11:44 am] guess who's taken now?
[ Dinah - 11:44 am] Thats right, its meee but I gtg Manis calling me, were @ the cinema and she has to go to the toilet and I have to come with her lol byee

I smile, happy for her that she and Mani are finally together, Dinah had a crush on Mani since.. forever I guess.

While I check my sisters text, I see Lauren hangs up her phone and just starts messing with it, just like me.

I look back at my screen and open Sofi's text.

[ Sofia - 9:56 am] Hi kaki!
[ Sofia - 9:56 am] are you coming home this week to play with me? Please?

I smile and quickly answer her that i'll come this week, and put my phone back down next to me.

Lauren does the same and cuddles back onto me and we start the episode again.

After 8 hours of watching Netflix and cuddling, Lauren goes home since she has to go to bed early because of school tomorrow.

When she goes home, and I walked her to the door, I walk back to my bedroom and drop myself on my bed.

I realize that I still have to shower, so I can sleep a little longer tomorrow.

I quickly jump into the shower and shower for about 15 minutes.

When I put on an oversized shirt and some panties, I see that my laptop has to be charged, but since my phone's in the charger in my bedroom, I have to charge it in the bathroom.

I put it on the counter and put it in the charger.
I have nothing to do now so I sit on the counter and grab my laptop, connecting my Spotify to the speakers all over the condo.

I play some Drake, since I love him and I just mess around on my laptop until it's finally done charging.

It's already pretty late since my laptop takes 2 hours to charge and when I put it in the charger it was 10 pm.

I put my laptop in my backpack for tomorrow and choose my clothes for tomorrow so I don't have to choose in the morning.

I choose some black skinny jeans, my Jordan's, a white croptop and my leather jacket.

I'm exhausted of laying in bed all day so I crawl underneath my covers and fall asleep.

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