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Camila's POV

It's 5 pm, the time I have to leave to go to Lauren's.

I pick up my cigarettes, lighter and phone from my kitchen counter and my keus from my sofa.

I walk out of my apartment and see the short Math teacher walking out of her and Lauren's apartment, holding hands with a tall boy.

They walk into the elevator and I knock on Lauren's door.

She opens the door and smiles,
"Hi" she says and we walk towards her kitchen.

As I walk behind her, I take the opportunity to check her out, she's wearing a Bob Marley shirt and some light grey Nike sweatpants.

She has her hair in a messy bun and she looks adorable but hot..

"I'm cooking pasta, is that okay?" She asks, and I nod.

I sit on the counter while she cooks and we just talk.

I often hand Lauren the cooking shit she needs, I would help but I can't cook at all so i don't.

When dinner's ready we sit at the dinner table and start eating while talking about random things.

After dinner we wash the dishes together,
(a/n: #relationshipgoalssss)
And we watch The Lion King together.

I end up staying over.

It's 10:30 pm and we walk towards Lauren's bedroom, miss Hernandez, who said I should call her Ally, came home half an hour ago and I learned she knew about me and Lauren and she's okay with it.

Lauren throws a oversized shirt to me and puts one on herself too.

15 minutes later we're laying in bed cuddling, both falling asleep after a few minutes.

(Next morning)

I wake up and see Lauren getting out of bed.
I pick up my phone and look at the time; 6:30 am.

"Jesus Christ Lauren, why are you getting up so early?!" I say, looking at her.

"That's what you get when you get it on with a teacher" she smirks, she's standing in front of her closet, trying to pick some clothes for today.

"Aaaandd you need to go and get ready for school" she smirks, turning around to look at me, while I slowly get up.

(20 minutes later)

I walk inside my apartment, lighting a cigarette. I sigh, dropping myself on my bed.

It's so fucking early, almost 7 am, who the fuck gets up so early?!

A few minutes later, I throw my cigarette in the ashtray and lay back on my bed, I can sleep for a few more minutes...

(30 minutes later)

I wake up by my alarm ringing.

I slowly get up and walk to the bathroom,
first quickly showering, brushing my teeth and hair.

I throw on some black ripped jeans, my Guns N' Roses shirt, my black dr Martens and my leather jacket.

I hear Dinah walking into my apartment.
"Hi girl" she yells, and I yell hello back.

I grab my phone, cigarettes, lighter and backpack and walk over to Dinah.

"You done?" She asks and I nod.
We walk to Dinah's car and we start driving to school, stopping at Starbucks for some coffee and a muffin.

Teach Me - A Camren Fanfiction (GxG)Where stories live. Discover now