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Camila's POV

As I get out of my car on the schools parking lot and see Dinah running towards me.

"Someone's excited to see me!" I say smirking.
"Hi!" She says hugging me.

"What's up?" I ask, since she never runs and if she runs, I know I have to run too cause there's something up.

"The sky, duh" she says, and giggles.
"You really think you're funny huh?" I ask and she nods.

"But for real, what's up?" I ask, looking her in the eyes as we walk towards a bench and sit on it.

"So uhm" she starts.
"I may or may not like Normani... a-and I wanna ask her out or something" she says.

I jump up,
"Oh my god that's so cute, D you're so cute!" I yell jumping around.

"But, how should I ask her? And when? And what if she says no? And if she says yes where should I take her?" Dinah panics.

"Okay, so you're gonna come to my house after school and we're gonna plan this date!" I say and she nods.

"Now let's go to class" she says and grabs my arm, dragging me to the math classroom.

(After school)

Dinah and I are in my car, we're waiting for the stoplight to turn green.

I look out of the window and see Lauren's standing next to mine. She looks at me too and waves at me.

When the stoplight turns green, Lauren speeds away, really fast, like always.

"Wait, was that miss Jauregui?!" Dinah asks,
"She drives fast as fuck!" She says and I nod smiling.

When we pull up on the parking lot of the condo building.

We see Lauren running towards the building, basically not running because she's on her heels.

"Wait was she really the one in that car that's possibly getting a ticket cause of driving too fast?!" Dinah asks.

"Yeah, she always drives this fast" I say laughing as I lock up my car, and we walk inside the building.

As soon as we walk inside my condo, I drop my backpack on the floor and walk towards the kitchen.

Dinah follows me and jumps on the counter while I grab some cans of coke.

"Girl can I smoke in here?" Dinah asks, since I'm trying to stop so I don't want my condo to smell like smoke.

"Let's sit on the balcony" I say.

We walk to the balcony and Dinah lights her cigarette as soon as we stand outside.

We hear something from the right side and look at our right.

I see Lauren sitting at her balcony with Ally, Lauren smoking a cigarette and Ally just sitting with her, talking.

"Wait she actually lives down the hall?!" Dinah whisper-yells.

"Mmm yeah" I say, taking a sip of my coke.
"Cam, one question" Dinah says, sitting on the small wall.

"Shoot" I simply answer.
"Why are you even stopping smoking?" She asks.

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