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When I finally got Milo to fall asleep, I got ready to go to the night market to get the vegetables I forgot. 

It took me a while to get Milo to sleep. He was scared. He is going to be leaving tomorrow morning when the truck comes. I made sure he knew exactly what to do. I made him repeat every step back to me. We did that for hours. I had to be sure that he will know how to get to the Blood Moon Pack and get to his father. 

I was wearing a black skirt with a flowy creamy shirt, with a long navy cardigan when I left the house. Along with a scarf that wrapped around my head softly. I held the basket tight against my chest as I made my way through the woods towards the night market. It doesn't take too long to get there. Just a little whiles walk and you start sense its liveliness. 

I never really go to the night markets, but when I do, I always feel alive. It reminds me of when I was a young teenager. As I near my destination, I start to see fairy lights, lamps and light bulbs start appearing on the forest floors and high up in the trees. When you see these, you know that the Night Market is not far away.

I could hear the blind mumbling of people as I enter the market. So many different faces and different scents. There were werewolves, vampires, witches, Faye, Valkyrie etc. Every single supernatural meet as one in places such as these. We are not enemies of each other, even though we do not mingle. Every single faction of supernatural has an ancient truce that was laid down by the gods. We have not been at war with each other for thousands of years. So we do not worry when we see others different to our own. We simply keep to ourselves. 

As I wander around the market for the vegetable section, seeing the lights, the people, the music. It reminds of the times where I performed. I literally did anything and everything. I was once a ballet teacher for really small kids. I was a lifeguard. I did surfing. I did the singing. I played instruments. I did warrior training for a little bit. I did musicals. You think it, I did it. Simple as that. I was wildly adventurous. I couldn't help but say yes to everything. But I never did the one thing I really wanted to do. Travel. I wanted to leave this place and see the world. I wanted to see different people, different sceneries. Just something different. But once I was pregnant, I knew I never could that. However, I would have chosen to be pregnant instead of traveling because it gave me my Milo.

I saw a stage through my peripheral vision. It was the Valkyries doing a performance. I stood and I watched. They looked like strippers with their clothing. But they were singing and performing. They never were allowed to have sex with any of the clients. they were pure entertainment. 

I laughed to myself when I remembered how I was a stripper for a day. That was definitely one of the most interesting days of my life. And probably one of the most memorable. 


I finished my Ballet class of juniors. The dance room was empty. I made sure everyone was gone before I did what I always want to do. I am generally a good girl. I've never done anything really bad n my entire life. I had good manners. I knew what was morally right. But let's face it...every good girl has an inner bad girl. 

I pressed the play button. The song, Candyman by Christina Aguilera boomed throughout the room. 

I smiled at myself in the giant mirror. I instantly dropped it low. Yup that's right. I have an inner slut. Even though I'm a virgin and I've never kissed anyone in my entire life. But still...I have an inner slut. 

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