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I wake up during the night drenched in sweat. I groan, not another nightmare. I haven't had proper sleep lately. I get up from my bed and look out the window. It's still dark and the moon was out. Maybe some fresh air would calm me down. I go downstairs and open the door. However, I stop right there as I am met with a black shadow. I look up and my heart stops. 

Kendrick smiles down at me, "Hello there precious." He whispers to me, "I've come for my fun."

I wake up with a yelp. I look around and see I am in my bedroom. It was just a dream. It was a nightmare. I look at my pillow. It was a little bit damp. I took deep breaths to calm my racing heart. 

"It was just a nightmare, Ayla." I said to myself. I actually got off my real bed and went to check on Milo. He was in the bedroom next to me. It was weird not being in the same bed with him. It feels unnatural since I've been doing it for years. 

I open the door and see he was sleeping peacefully in his bed. I smiled. Good. At least one of us is getting a good nights rest. I stroked his hair and he leaned into my touch. My heart only was beating for my son now. I didn't like it, but in my head, there was a continuing cycle of memories always playing on repeat. the cycle of the bad memories that happened when I was pregnant. I wanted it to stop, but it was like it didn't have an off button. Ever since I was free I thought I would stop being in survival mode. But I couldn't. I was waiting for the moment I saw the Solomon that hurt me, the Solomon that caused me pain 



I was sitting on the couch waiting for Solomon to come home. Ever since he found out I was pregnant, he's been acting strangely. He's become more distant. But I didn't understand it. We were mates and I was pregnant. It was normal in the Wolf world. It seems like he didn't want the pup. He wasn't excited for it even though he says he is. He was pretending for my sake. But I didn't like that he was pretending.

The door burst open and Soul stumbled inside. He walked right past me and banged on the door.I rolled my eyes. I got off the couch and went to him.


He turned around and smile widely. But I knew it was fake, "Hey Baby! How you doin? How's the bun in the oven? Cooking well?" He said and laughed like it was the most hilarious thing in the world. 

I stood there without laughing, "No Solomon. Where were you? I was waiting."

He waved his hand, "You don't have to wait up for me, Ayla."

I step closer and smelled him. I scowled and growled, "Have you been drinking?"

He chuckled, "Just a little wee bit. Not too much though."

"You're drunk," I stated. 

He rolled his eyes and turned around and made his to the kitchen. I followed him. He was stumbling around, trying to fill a glass of water. 

"Why are you acting like this?" I asked Solomon, "Ever since you found out about the haven't been you Solo."

He glared at me, "I'm fine, Ayla. Just leave it." His eyes flickered to the table and frowned, "Why's there candles and flower on the table."

I felt my eyes sting from tears, "I was trying to make a special night. You've been distant and stressed. I thought maybe we could just act like how we were before for one night."

Solomon's eyes soften. He looked away and bit his lower lip. His head fell and he sighed, "I'm tired, Ayla. I'm gonna go to bed. I have to do patrolling tomorrow." As he was walking I saw a little bit of red on his neck. 

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