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It was night time. Fires were being lit in different areas of the camp for warmth. Ayla avoided me for the rest of the day. But I saw her sneaking quick glances my way even when she thought I wasn't looking. I don't know how I can get through to her. I just want her to know that I've truly changed. I'm not the same bastard that hurt her. I want her to know that I would never hurt her again. But it's so hard because every time I try to show a little bit of myself to her, she shuts it down straight away.

I scratch the back of my head and release a tired sigh as I approach her. She was sitting on the ground looking at the fire, lost in thought. 

I stand beside her and clear my throat. She hears me and looks up. 

"Yes?" she asks. 

"I thought to let you know that, Xander has assigned me to be your guard."

She didn't reply straight away. Her eyes drifted off into the distance for a few seconds. It's what she does when she is processing things. 

"Why does it have to be you? Are there no other guards?" 

I was trying my best to control myself. I took a deep breath and clenched my jaw tight to try and hold my tongue. I felt my anger pushing me. I think it was because I felt a little bit hurt. Why can't she just be fine with me being her guard?

"No, there are no other guards. They are all already assigned to do things." I asked through my teeth. I don't mean to be angry. I just want her so bad, but having her not reciprocating those feelings is hard because it is completely justified. I know I should be angry at myself...and I am. But I am angrier that I don't have her in my arms. It's making me moody. 

She shrugs her shoulders, "Fine."

"So, you're okay with me being your guard?" I asked gently. 

Her face had no expression as she faces the fire. she shrugs her shoulders again and replied calmly, "I don't care."

I nod my head, "Good."

I got to sit next to her, but then she touches my shoulder and slightly pushes me away, "This is Milo's seat."

I held my tongue. I get up and go on the other side of her to sit down, but she does it again, "Zapora is sitting there."

"She's not here."

"But she's going t be." Ayla persisted. 

I lean and growled, "So where do I sit then, Ayla?"

She leans and says, "Somewhere else."

I growled and get up. It is really hard to control myself right now. She is being so difficult. I get up and walk on the other side of the big fire and sit down. I sit right across from her And I watch her intensely. She catches me staring and don't even look away, I keep staring right at her eyes. 

She stares back. For a moment, I see a little something in her eye. Something I am very familiar with...longing. But it is gone as quick as it came. I know that she hates me, I have no right to be angry right now. I should be beating myself up about it. This is all my fault. I have no one to blame but myself and I do. I hate myself for what I did because it has led me to this point in my life. I am the living example of that saying 'you reap what you sow.' I am definitely reaping what I sowed.

 I looked at Ayla and see she is staring at the fire. She looked beautiful with the fire glow shining on her. She looked like an angel. My angel. My little wolf. Her blue eyes lit up as if they were glowing. Her blonde hair looked golden and her skin looked so vibrant. she was the sight of perfect. As I watch her in this moment where I could not see any pain, grief or suffering on her face, she was just sitting there looking at the fire, I felt like this is what it could be like in the future...our future. 

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