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Sophie comes limping forward and collapses unto Soul. He quickly catches her before she hit the floor. I felt bad for her consideirng her father is a sick and sadistic psychpathic lunatic. But at the same time I'm kinda like 'did you HAVE to fall unto Soul like that? Like really? Girl no...just no. However, that's just my inner bitch. I know for a fact that he's mine. 

Soul glances at me and nods towards Milo. I sigh and turn to my son, "Baba, go play with Xavier, Mama and Papa got somethings to do, okay?"

Milo nodded, oblivious to everything that's happening and runs off. I turn around and see Soul was walking a head while holding Sophie, bridal style. I roll my eyes. This girl better not be into my wolf. 

I followed behind quickly. I mean, like hell am I going to leave my mate and that girl alone! We enter the main tent of the pack. A giant tent at that. Xander was sitting there with Lizzy sitting next to him and holding his arm, probably to calm him down. Soul lays Sophie unto a random bed on the floor. She groans as she is let down. She's beat up pretty bad. But I don't have too much sympathy for her since, her daddy raped me and beat me almost every night. 

she opens her eyes and looks up at Soul who had just put her down. She sobs into a cry and jumps into his arms. 

I raise my brows and growled, "You've gotta be kidding me." 

Xander's eyes flickered to me for a second and smirked. I'm guessing he heard me. I stand back and lean on one of the poles as I watch. Soul pats her back and whispers something in her ear. She nods her head, but then cuddles into his chest. Alright I'm gonna shut this whole touching moment DOWN!

"You know, Sophie, lying down flat on the bed relieves more pain than cuddling into my mate's chest...just sayin."

Her eyes flickered to me and her eyes widen. Soul looks over his shoulder and see his cheeks are a little pink. I rolled my eyes and took a step forward, "Alright, let's all just get straight to the point. Sophie, do you know any plans that your father may be planning?"

She just stared at me blankly and then turned to Solomon and said, "He's planning to attack in two days. He's beaten me ever since your mate left with your son."

My anger was spiking. Who does this bitch think she is? I growled and then Sophie flinched and whimpered. Soul looks at me pleading, "Ayla, please."

I scoffed, "Oh please, give me a break! I'm just so sorry that I'm such a bitch to her!"

Sophie raised her voice, "I've been abused by my father and I just escaped to warn you of what he has planned for YOUR sake."

I stepped forward and yelled, "And your DADDY raped and beat me for five fucking years thank you very much and he used my own son to blackmail me in staying. And you knew about it and did NOTHING. So do not come here claiming that you're doing this for me."

Everyone was quiet. Solomon stood up and looked at Sophie, "Is this true? You knew Ayla was being hurt...and you didn't do anything?"

Sophie gulped, "I couldn't. I'm sorry! If I could, I would have! But he was watching me all the time. If I had tried, I would have only brought you more danger."

I roll my eyes and then stare right at her in the eyes, "That's no excuse. You still could've tried," I bent down on my knees so than I was eye level with her, "The truth is, you're just a coward that was too afraid to do anything," I lean closer and growled lowly, "You stay away from my mate. He is mine and only will ever be mine. You can do nothing to change that." 

I stand up with my back straight, looking down at her. 

"Yuzzzz Biitch!" My eyes widen and my heart skipped a beat. I turn around and my brows raised, "Luciana?!"

She was standing at the entrance of the tent and raised her arms with a scream, "I am reunited with my bitch! Yuz!" She came running and gave me a giant hug. I laughed and hugged her right back. 

I step back breathlessly, "What are you doing here?"

She laughs and whispered, "I know what you are! Because as soon as you left, I was mated to a werewolf!"

My mouth opened widely as I exclaimed, "Who?!"


I turn and my eyes widened even more because there standing was Miguel.

He gave me his handsome smile with a wink, "Hello."

I couldn't help, but smile as soon as I saw him. I gave him a polite hug, "I can't believe you're here...wait. Why are you here?"

Miguel nodded towards Xander, "I heard my dear cousin has gotten himself into quite a war. I thought to come and lend a hand."

"Wait a second," Solomon said firmly, "Miguel? MY cousin is the guy that was hitting on you in Italy?"

I rolled my eyes, "And the guy that convinced me not to reject you. You should be thanking him."

Miguel chuckles deeply, "So your mate, is my cousin Solomon...that explains a lot."

Solomon scows at him and steps forward in front of me, "What do you mean by that? Huh?"

Miguel smirks and says, "Oh little cousin. I don't know if you knew this, but you were quite an asshole back in the day."

Solomon growls. He turns to face everyone, "YES! OKAY I GET IT! I was a complete asshole, inconsiderate bastard, whatever you want to call me! But I have changed! I changed to be a better mate to Ayla AND a better father to my son. SO I would really like it if everyone would PLEASE piss off! I am trying here!"

Everyone was silent. And my heart softened again. My bitch moment was over. And seeing Solomon get all angry and shouting was kinda hot too. 

I walked towards his giant figure and wrap my arms around his waist. He looks down at me seriously and says, "Remember? I am a screw up. But I'm trying, okay?"

I smiled softly and nodded my head, "I know Solo, I know..." I lean in and kiss his chest and laid my head on it. 

Solomon wraps his arms around me and kisses my head, "And by the way, " He whispers only for me to hear, "I am loyal to you, Ayla. I don't want any other girl...but you."

I knew he was assuring me that he wasn't a dick anymore, but also that he cares for me. There is no one that could replace what we have.

Milo comes walking in grumpy, "Are you guys done with your grown up talk now?"

I laugh and nodded my head, "Yeah Baba, we are."

"My little mijo! Come to Aunt Luciana!"

Milo eyes raised in surprised, but he laugh as he went and gave her a big hug. I guess after the time we spent in Italy, she did become his aunt. 

"Hey, Milo?" Soul called out. 

Milo looked up at his father. Soul smiles and asks, "I'm going to go fishing at the dock soon, you wanna come?"

Milo's eyes widened in excitement. He nods his head frantically saying, "Yes! Can we go right now?"

Soul looks down at me, almost like making sure I was okay with it. I smile and kiss Soul's cheek, "Go have fun boys."

Soul leans down and pecks my lips before taking Milo with him. My heart soured when I saw Soul and Milo walking off together. This is how it should be. 

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