Chapter 1

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My friends were celebrating because we finally made it into Paradise. No more WICKED. No more tests. No more problems. For them that's how it is. After everything we've gone through, they can finally rest and start a new life. Move on.

They deserve it. All our hard work has paid off. But then my mind drifted back to Newt.

I wish he was here with me, but I was the reason why he wasn't. I haven't kept count on how long it's been since I last saw him, but the memory of our final meeting kept on playing in my mind as if it was only yesterday.

I was staring at Thomas and Newt and the horrific scene that was bestowed upon me. Newt was begging for Thomas to kill him, to end his suffering. Thomas was so scared and sad. I would be too if my best friend would ask me to kill him.

Then Newt told Thomas how he got his limp. It was a story that was never revealed to Thomas until now. I didn't bother to listen. I didn't want to relive that day again. When he was done, I made my presence known to both boys who were shocked when they saw me.

"(Y/N) leave. I don't want you to see this," Newt told me.

I looked at Thomas who agreed with Newt. I was contemplating if I was going to leave because I knew that if Thomas killed Newt, he'll never be able to live with himself. Brenda might be there to help him, as well as Minho but Thomas will forever hate himself because of this. He won't look at it as saving his best friend, but just basically killing him. Thomas will never be the same again.

"No." I stood my ground.

Newt's eyes turned dark and I could no longer recognize him. He was about to attack me but Thomas blocked him before he could be near me. Thomas dropped the gun when he blocked Newt. I quickly picked it up and pointed it at Newt. Newt stopped struggling and was now against the wall staring at Thomas and I.

"(Y/N) give me the gun," Thomas told me.

"No Thomas," I told him. "You go. I'll kill Newt." I never thought that the last sentence would ever leave my mouth.

"GO!" I yelled at him. He still didn't move.

"Go Tommy," Newt said. I saw a glimpse of the old Newt when he said that. A glimpse of the Newt that I fell in love with.

Thomas gulped and ran away as fast as he could. When he was out of sight, I faced Newt who was now staring at me. Millions of emotions ran through me but I doubt any of it showed on my face. I wanted to throw away the gun and run into his arms like I used to do. However, my feet were frozen in position and the gun stayed in my hands...pointed at him.

"Are you going to kill me now?" He asked me. I took a deep breath to stop myself from breaking down.


I walked closer to him until the end of the gun was placed on the side of Newt's temple. Just one pull and it'll all be over. Just one pull and he'll no longer be here. I crouched in front of him and stared at him.

"What are you waiting for?"

"I just wanted to do this before you go."

I leaned in and kissed him. It didn't take long and he kissed me back.

How long were we like this? Seconds? Minutes? Hours? Days? I didn't know and I didn't care. If I could stop time I would've. Because I knew once I pulled away, it's all over. Nothing will be the same ever again.

"I love you," I whispered to him.

"I love you too."

I quickly pulled away and shot him. I screamed when I heard the gunshot. I turned around and let myself break down on the ground and cry. I didn't want to turn around but curiosity was winning. I wanted to see him. I threw the gun away and turned around. Then I saw Newt who's now dead, his blood pooling around him.

Moving On (Peter Pan X Reader ft. TMR: Newt) Where stories live. Discover now