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"He's miserable there. The amenities are lacking atrociously. He had to eat at a coffee shop last night. The whole thing's terribly insulting." Emily was saying at Friday Night Dinner.

"I hate that he's miserable." Rory said.

"So do I. We really ought to do something." Emily said.

"Warning, warning!" Lorelai said.

"Like what?" Charlotte asked.

"Well I'm glad you asked, Charlotte, because I have thought of a wonderful way to cheer him up." Emily said.

"Cool, how?" Rory asked.

"Danger, Will Robinson, danger!" Lorelai said.

"An oil painting." Emily smiled.

"An oil painting?" Charlotte asked hesitantly.

"I tried, have fun." Lorelai said.

"Yeah, an oil painting of the both of you to hang over his mantle." Emily said excitedly. "He'd love it."

"Well I guess it would be ok." Rory said.

"Really?" Charlotte asked glancing at her sister.

"Come on, it's for Grandpa." Rory said.

Charlotte sighed. "Fine." She said.

"Oh great!" Emily smiled.

"Mom, please don't make them do this." Lorelai said.

"They just said they would."

"Fine but don't make them sit for it. Do it from a photo." Lorelai said.

"A photo?" Emily exclaimed aghast.
"That's what they do at malls!"

"It's fine. We'll sit." Rory said.

"Just because your experience of sitting for a portrait was bad doesn't mean Rory and Charlotte's has to be." Emily said.

"What portrait?" Charlotte asked. "And why haven't we seen this?"

"They never finished." Lorelai grinned.

"Why?" Rory asked.

"Three painters started but all three quit." Emily said.

"Why?" Charlotte asked.

"She wouldn't stop scowling." Emily said.

"I was going for the Billy Idol thing." Lorelai grinned.

"Maybe I'll try that!" Charlotte grinned.

"You will not, young lady." Emily scolded.

"Well, it was worth a try." Charlotte shrugged.

"So, the first thing you and Sookie would do is incorporate." Luke told Lorelai as they were sat at a table at Luke's.

"Wow. Sounds big." Lorelai said.

"Not really. It just means you're a single business entity. You'll both be officers and shareholders, and you'll even get to make up a name for your company and everything which I know you'll love doing." He smirked.

"Oh I'm terrible at coming up with names. When we first bought out house, Rory, Charlotte and I wanted to name it but all we could come up with was the Crap Shack. Hence why our house is called the Crap Shack!" Lorelai grinned.

"Nice." Luke chuckled.

Jess walked over with the coffee jug. "Coffee?" He asked bored.

"Oh yeah, thanks." She said. "How are you Jess?" She asked politely.

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