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The morning after the party, Lorelai was waiting on the sidewalk as Charlotte and Rory walked out of the house with a backpack.

"Have you see these guys? They're hilarious." Lorelai grinned watching Kyle and Marshall clean up the front garden.

"I got it, we can go." Rory said.

"Why are you holding it like that?" Lorelai asked.

"Because when Lane left it here last night, it was a very different colour." Rory said uncomfortably.

"You never said why you threw up over Lane's backpack." Lorelai said.

Rory exchanged a glance with Charlotte. "I think I might have just drunk a bit too much." She lied.

"Ok..." Lorelai said buying it. She then grinned. "Your first cop-raided party. I am just so proud." She said.

"Mom..." Charlotte rolled her eyes.

"I just wish I could've been there." Lorelai joked.

"It was no big deal." Rory said quietly.

"So tell me more about this party last night. I mean, I know the end, but what happened in the middle?" She asked.

"Lane's band played, they were great, and then people just hung out and talked. And then...uh...there was some sort of fight, I guess. The cops came, that's it." Rory said.

"Hmmm..." Lorelai said.

Just then Luke walked up to the house.

"Hey Luke!" Lorelai said surprised to see him

Luke stopped by them looking frustrated. "I'm in bed. I have ten more minutes to sleep. Not a lot of time in the grand scheme of things, but still, ten minutes is ten minutes. You know what I mean." He ranted.

"Sure, yeah." Lorelai nodded.

"Ten minutes is great." Charlotte agreed.

"And then the phone rings, and it just rings and rings and rings and rings, so I pick it up." He continued.

"And then hopefully got your hearing checked." Lorelai quipped.

Luke gave her a look. "Can I finish my story?"

"I'm just saying, that's a lot of rings." She said.

"And on the other end of the phone is someone named John who says he's Kyle's father, and Kyle threw a party last night without permission. And three guys got into a fight and tore the place apart, so John wants me to come down and take a look at the damage and discuss some sort of solution to the problem of the damages. Now, I don't know John, and I certainly don't know Kyle but I do know someone who would get into a fight at a party and leave the place completely trashed. It's a wild guess, but I think his name rhymes with Tess. So here I am, heading in there to talk to John about Kyle and discuss what is to be done about the Hummel." He ranted.

"The what?" Lorelai asked confused.

"Exactly." Luke said before walking inside the house.

Lorelai looked at her daughters. "Uh...so let's get back to the party recap. Any little details you want to tell Mommy?" She asked.

"Jess and Dean got into the fight with Chuck Presby." Charlotte admitted.

"Why? Why were they fighting Chuck Presby? And why was Dean involved?" Lorelai asked confused.

Charlotte glanced at Rory who looked uncomfortable. "Chuck was saying stuff about me and Rory. Jess defended us and Dean overheard as well and the next thing I know, they're having a full scale fight." She lied, covering for Rory. She knew Rory wouldn't want their mom knowing what really happened.

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