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Tristan and Jess left soon after Lorelai had come home, sensing that she wanted some time alone with Charlotte and Rory.

"So how was Luke?" Charlotte asked again.

"You set it up, didn't you?" Lorelai asked them both. "And don't lie because I know Jess has been saying stuff about me to Luke as well." She added.

Charlotte and Rory exchanged a glance, not knowing whether their mom was mad or not. "We might have." Charlotte admitted.

"Why?" Lorelai exclaimed.

"Because you deserve to be happy, mom! We wanted to cheer you up." Charlotte said.

Lorelai sighed. "So you thought trying to set me up with Luke would make me forget about your dad?" She asked.

"Not forget." Rory said. "Just...well, dad doesn't deserve you. You deserve someone who will be there for you, who keeps their promises."

"Like Luke." Charlotte said. "Luke's been there for you through everything even when he didn't need to be. And he's been there for us too."

"We wanted you to be happy." Rory said.

"Sorry." Charlotte sighed. "So I'm guessing it didn't work?"

Lorelai couldn't help but smile. She was touched that her daughters had done it to make her happy and she thought back to that kiss with Luke.

"Wait a minute..." Rory narrowed her eyes. "I know that smile."

"Yeah you had it when you started dating Max." Charlotte said.

"And you had it after telling us about dad." Rory said.

"Oh my god, something did happen, didn't it?" Charlotte exclaimed excitedly.

Lorelai couldn't help but laugh at her enthusiasm. "Ok, yes, something may have happened..." She admitted.

"Tell us!" Charlotte exclaimed.

"Ok, well we were just talking. Or more like I was talking and he was listening." Lorelai joked.

"Like always." Rory joked.

"And he was saying all these really nice things and I don't know...suddenly I just saw it." She shrugged.

"Saw what?" Rory asked.

"The look. That look that Sookie's been going on about." Lorelai said.

"Ah, the 'look him in the eyes, it's right there' look." Charlotte nodded knowingly. "I've seen that look."

"Yeah...and suddenly it was like I just realised there and then that maybe..." Lorelai started.

"Maybe what?" Rory asked.

"Maybe he was the guy." She shrugged.

"Please say you told him that." Charlotte grinned.

"I did. But I may have showed him as well." Lorelai blushed slightly. "Luke and I kissed ok?" She admitted.

Charlotte squealed and launched herself at her mom, giving her a hug. "This is so great!" She exclaimed.

"It's about time." Rory smirked.

"So you two would really be ok with this?" Lorelai asked.

"Are you kidding? We set it up, mom!" Charlotte laughed.

"I know but...you two are my priorities. If this is going to be in any way weird for you, just say." Lorelai said softly.

"Mom, we love Luke." Rory said sincerely.

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