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The maid opened the door to the Gilmore Mansion for Lorelai, Charlotte and Rory to come in for Friday Night Dinner.

"Hi." Lorelai smiled.

"Good evening. May I take your coats?" The maid replied politely.

"Oh, sure, thanks!" Lorelai said taking off her coat and giving it to her, followed by Charlotte and Rory.

"That's the most absurd thing I've ever heard!" They heard Emily's voice coming from the living room.

"Your mother's in the living room." The maid said.

"So last chance to run, huh?" Lorelai joked.

"Excuse me?"

"Just ignore her." Rory rolled her eyes and then they went through to the living room to find that Emily was talking on the phone with her back to them.

"Of course I said it. Well, I can't imagine who would take jackbooted as a compliment. I will not apologise. Every time she went to the pantry, I thought she was marching on Poland. Oh, I see, because I want things a certain way, I'm unreasonable?" Emily asked.

Lorelai poured herself a glass of wine, clinking the glasses together as she did.

"Shh!" Charlotte said.

"Why, that is the most absurd...I want to see this document. Fax it to me immediately." Emily said.

"Fax it to me immediately?" Lorelai repeated.

"She's part of the electronic age." Charlotte said.

"Tomorrow morning is completely unacceptable. It's unacceptable because I'm paying you three hundred dollars an hour. So turn that little near-luxury car around, go back to your office, and fax me that libellous scrap of paper." Emily demanded.

"Ask him if he can pick up some ice cream, too." Lorelai joked.

"Well, tell your wife to tape your daughter's recital." Emily snapped, hanging up. "Unbelievable!" She exclaimed. She then turned round to see Lorelai, Charlotte and Rory sitting on the couch.

"Hi Mom." Lorelai smiled.

"Hi Grandma!" Charlotte grinned.

"When did you three get here?" Emily asked.

"Sometime between the second absurd and the third unbelievable." Lorelai joked.

"I apologise. That call caught me off guard." Emily sighed.

"Is everything alright, Grandma?" Rory asked.

"Everything's fine." She said going to pour herself a drink.

"Are you sure?" Lorelai asked.

"I'm sure."

"You look peeved."

"I'm not peeved."

"Well, you look peeved." Lorelai smirked.

"Kindly stop making me say the word peeved!" Emily said.

"Mom, spill! What's wrong?" She asked.

"That was our lawyer calling to inform me that one of our former maids is suing for wrongful termination." Emily told them.

"Oh." Lorelai said.

"You might at least act surprised."

"It's not the first time, is it?"

"It most certainly is!" Emily exclaimed.


"Yes, Lorelai, really!"

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