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Jess walked along the lake and eventually found Charlotte sat on a bench looking out at the lake, sketchbook open. He slowly walked up to her. "Mind if I sit?" He asked.

"It's a free country." She replied.

"It wasn't because I wanted to get sent away. You have to believe me. You're everything to me." Jess said. He sighed when she didn't say anything. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. I was scared." He admitted.

Charlotte looked up at him and frowned. "Scared about what?"

"Scared that you'd hate me and you'd think I was stupid and would want to break up with me." He admitted.

Charlotte's face softened. "Jess, I love you. I just want you to be honest with me. I would never break up with you for something like that."

"I told Luke." He told her.

"And?" Charlotte asked.

"He was...surprisingly calm." Jess said.

"Told you." Charlotte said but smirked slightly.

Jess smirked. "Yeah I know you did. He told me I have to retake the year and quit my job at Wal-Mart." He told her.

"What happened to you hating school?" Charlotte raised her eyebrows.

"To be honest, I was so surprised that he wasn't kicking me out that I just agreed." Jess shrugged. He glanced at her. "Plus I don't want to disappoint you. I know deep down, I at least need this qualification."

"I just want you to be able to do your best. You're so smart, Jess. You could do so much." Charlotte said.

"And also, Lane and Dave have asked me if I will join the band so that will give me something to do in my free time when you've gone off to Yale." He said.

"Wait, what? They've asked you to join the band. How did that happen?" She asked confused.

"Thanks for the vote of confidence." Jess smirked.

"You know what I mean!" Charlotte smirked.

"Well Dave's off to college like you and that would mean they would be down a guitarist. I'd have to sing a bit but they've got Zach and Brian." Jess said. "Dave was really cool about it and Lane's cool so I couldn't really say no." He said.

"I think it's nice they asked you. You're amazing at guitar and you write your own songs. They're lucky to have you." Charlotte smiled.

"Yeah?" Jess asked glancing at her. "You wouldn't mind?"

"Why would I mind?" She asked.

"Well...I don't know. Last time you found us all playing together..." Jess said.

"You mean when I transformed into an insane witch?" Charlotte said. She blushed slightly, embarrassed of how she had reacted before. "I was stupid. I trust you and I trust Lane. I know now how stupid it was of me to think something could ever go on between you two." She said. "Besides, Dave would kill you if it actually did happen." She joked.

Jess chuckled. "Definitely."

Charlotte smiled. "I'm glad you said yes. You'll have fun with them."

"Yeah." Jess smiled. He glanced at her. "So are we ok?" He asked.

Charlotte smiled softly. "Yeah we're ok."

"Good." Jess said taking a relieved breath.

"Hey, what do you think?" Charlotte asked turning the sketchbook towards him to reveal a sketch she had done of the lake and surrounding area.

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