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5 Years Later......

"Ok, one last push, Charlotte." The midwife said.

"I can't!" Charlotte cried, trying to catch her breath.

"Of course you can, hon." Lorelai reassured her.

"I can't! I just can't!" Charlotte exclaimed. "I can't!" She cried, panicking

Lorelai glanced at Jess who leant down to Charlotte. "Yes you can." Jess said softly. "You can do this, Charlie. Do you know how I know that?"

"How?" Charlotte gasped.

"Because you're amazing. You're the strongest person I know and I believe in you. One more push and then we'll get to meet our son. Our son! Huh, how good does that sound? We're going to be parents." Jess smiled softly.

"I'm scared." Charlotte admitted.

"I know. I am as well. But you can do this. I know you can. Squeeze my hand as hard as you can if you like, I don't mind." Jess said.

"Even if it turns white again?" Charlotte said smirking slightly.

"Yes even then." Jess chuckled. "Come on, you can do this." He said softly, giving her a kiss on the headache. "One more push. That's it."

"One more push." She repeated.

"One more push." Jess nodded.

"Your contraction should be hitting soon so are you ready?" The midwife smiled warmly.

Charlotte took a deep breath and nodded. "Ok." She said quietly. She glanced at Jess. "One more push, right?"

"One more push." Jess nodded.

A few minutes later, a shrill cry filled the room and everyone let out a big breath. "Is he ok?" Charlotte asked immediately.

"He seems just fine to me." The midwife smiled. "We'll keep you in the night and take some tests just to make sure but he looks healthy to me. A month early isn't that early so please try not to worry. Would you like to say hello to your son?" She smiled warmly.

"Yes please." Charlotte said nervously.

"Here you go." The midwife smiled and place him in Charlotte's arms. "I'll be back in a bit to check on you."

"Oh Charlotte, he's beautiful." Lorelai gasped.

Charlotte looked down at her son with tears in her eyes. "Yeah..." She said tremulously, immediately feeling so much love for the little guy. She glanced up at Jess who she saw had tears in his eyes as well. "Your son made you emotional as well, huh?" She teased gently.

"I can't believe he's here." Jess said gruffly. "He's amazing." He said softly. He smiled at her. "So are you." He said giving her a kiss. "You were so amazing."

"Would you like to hold him?" She asked softly.

"Are you sure?" He asked nervously.

"Here." Charlotte smiled, handing their son over to him. She smiled softly as she watched Jess hold him and peer down at him adoringly.

"I'll just go let everyone else know that you're both ok." Lorelai said softly, realising they should have some space. "You did it, hon. I'm so proud of you." She said giving her a hug.

"Thanks mom." Charlotte said softly.

"Take it easy, ok? Let us know when you want visitors. I'll tell everyone to wait outside until you give the word ok?" Lorelai said.

"Ok thanks. Give us a few minutes yeah?"

"Of course." Lorelai said. She smiled at them both. "Congratulations." She said softly, before leaving the room.

Charlotte watched Jess with their son and smiled. "Hey come sit with me." She said softly.

"Is that allowed?" Jess asked.

"I don't care. I just want you next to me. Both of you." She smiled.

Jess smiled and sat down on the bed next to her. "I can't believe it's finally happened." He said.

"Pretty amazing huh?" Charlotte smiled softly, gazing down at their son.

"Yeah, pretty amazing." Jess said softly. He smiled at her and gave her another kiss. "You still happy with the name we chose?" He asked.

"Very happy." She nodded.

"Me too." Jess smiled. He looked down at their son in his arms and gave him a kiss on his head. "Welcome to the world, Jack." He said softly.

"Jack Lucas Gilmore-Mariano." Charlotte smiled.

"Jack Lucas Gilmore-Mariano." Jess repeated. "I love him already." He admitted.

"So do I." Charlotte said.

Jess smiled at her. "I love you."

"I love you too." She smiled, leaning her head on his shoulder. "Let's just enjoy the next few minutes before everyone comes in." She said softly.

"Sounds like a plan." He said softly.


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