Chapter - 3

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Tony's POV:

As Fury and I were discussing about how I will take care of that girl, he got a call and picked up.

After a few minutes, he hang up the phone and smiled,"They got her."

"Did they know it's Cap and Romanoff?" I asked. Well, even though I'm mad at them, I still care for them. Their status.

"No, don't worry about them." Fury told me.

"I'm not." I lied.

"I really look forward to the time when you and Rogers make it up." He sighed.

I just shrugged it off. "Anyway, I will go for now. I will take good care of the girl." I said, as I walked towards the door.

"Make sure she is okay." He said and I closed the door.

Okay, I've got a lot of time to waste. So, I decided to head back to New York and surprise Pepper in her office. This is gonna be interesting.


"What? A girl?" Pepper asked, not believing her ears.

Gosh, I love this woman but sometimes, it's so fun messing around with her.

I sit calmly on her desk and took a bite of the apple I was holding as I nod and answered,"Yes, a girl will be living with us."

"How did you know her anyway?" She asked in a serious tone.

"I don't." I answered.

"What the hell, Tony. Stop messing with me. Tell me more about it." She half-shouted.

"Um, I kinda kidnap her from the government. Yeah, that's the case." I shrugged, acting as if it's not a big deal.

"What? Are you joking?" She asked. Gosh, from the look on her eyes, she looks very mad.

"Hey, it's no biggie. She'll live with us for a while and I will help her discover her powers or abilities and then bam, we'll find her family." I said in an ethusiastic tone.

She closed her eyes and take a deep breath. I can tell that she is trying to suppress her anger. Then she opened her eyes and said,"I'm serious."

"Fine, I will tell you. No more fooling around." I said as I put both my hands in the air.

She rolled her eyes,"So dramatic."

Then, I tell her the whole part from where I got the phone call from Nick.


"Oh my God." Pepper looked at me with wide eyes.

"I know, right?" I joked.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner? I wouldn't have reacted badly."

"I just want to see your reaction. Now that I know how you reacted, I'm regretting that I don't go with my first plan." I shook my head.

"First plan?" She asked.

"Yeah, my first plan was to tell you that I have a secret daughter." I said casually to which I earned a slap on my arm.

"Don't you dare."

We look at each other and just laugh at my silliness.

"When will you bring her home?" She asked, breaking the silence.

"I will head to Barton's home tonight with my jet."

"I can't wait to meet her." She slightly jump from her excitement.

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