Chapter - 35

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Natasha's POV:

"I know you're kinda mad at him, but you can't just hit him like that!" I roll my eyes at the little girl who is trying to reason with me.

I mutter a "whatever" as I continue on ignoring her. She just sighs as she slouches back at her bed.

"Now I need to apologise to uncle Tony." She mumbles, mostly to herself.

I really don't know why she should though. He is the one who keeps on throwing those shitty insults to me.

"Don't worry about it, he'll live." I say, half joking. Yet, she shook her head in disbelief. But she decides to keep quiet.

We decide to keep quiet instead of arguing with each other again. I can guess that by the looks on her eyes, she is in some deep thought. So, none of us starts a conversation.

"He's wrong. You know that right?" She spoke out of the blue. Her words makes me look at her in confusion.

"Come again?" I furrow my eyebrows at her, as I straightened myself from the chair beside to her bed.

"I mean, about you not deserving the captain. He's wrong about that." Her voice becomes a little lower as she slowly gives me a soft smile.

I sat there, stunned. Did she just....... defended me?

Ignoring my eyes, she continues,"In fact, I think that, uh, Captain and you, you guys would make a cute couple."

I let out a soft laugh.

"Well, I would always make any kind of man look good with me." I give her a sly smirk, earning a snort from her.

After we finished our breakfast, I left Clara with Tony who, with his bruised eye, gave me the cold shoulder.

I think today, I needed to head out to the city of New York. I have realised that if Clara would be staying with me, she would probably need to join school.

Thank God it's still summer vacation. It would be easier for her to adjust since she would not be backwards than the others in her study.

I came to a halt once I spot a cute little blue floral dress in a shop. Clara would look so nice in it.

Could this day get any better?

After ending up buying many toys, shirts, and shoes for the little devil, I decided to fill my empty stomach at the little cafè which me and Steve used to visit everytime we went to New York.

The little bell chimed once I open door of the little cafè. Just the sound of it could bring back the image of Steve's amused face in my mind which I had always found cute.

But still, his harsh words can't stop lingering at the back of my mind.

I won't deny it. I miss him. The warm smile gracing upon his lips everytime he sees my face and how his nose would scrunched up everytime I made some snarky comments. I couldn't forget all those wonderful memories shared with him.

Still, it didn't change the fact that he hurt me. In so many ways.

Yet, I can't seem to just forget about him nor suppress these feelings I have for him.

I didn't need much time to forget about an ex. Bruce was not an exception either.

But with Steve, its way too different. Maybe it was because he was too different from the others.

Thinking about it, I just realised that Steve and I were never a thing. We might kiss once or twice, but still, we didn't have any kind of romantic relationship.

Then, why did this hurt so bad?

Did he mean that much to me that it hurts, deep in the heart, whenever I think about losing him?

I don't know how to explain it but I feel like I am being choked with every kind of emotions at the thought of him leaving me.

But I know it too well that I am not an emotional person.

Then, why did this hurts so badly? I think that even my bonds hurt.

I was not like this. No, I was never this........vulnerable.

However, I don't like me being this vulnerable. Like I could just break if he says something hurtful.

"Miss? Are you having the usual?" The waitress' voice pulled me out of my thoughts.

I just give her a nod and she heads back, offering me a small smile.

Minutes later, she was back with a cup of black coffee. "You're alone today." Her words came out more like a statement.

"I'm afraid so." I give her a small smile, taking a sip of the hot black coffee.

"That's so bad. Your friend was a good sight to see, you know?" She lets out a laugh.

I have to make a note to myself that this girl is talkative. And she may possibly have a crush on Steve.

I forced a smile on my lips. "He needs to babysit our daughter today. But, I would make sure to bring him later."

Her smile faded a little, but she kept her composure quite well. "Oh." She frowned, looking almost like a little girl who realised that Santa Claus is not real.

After she left, I can't help but roll my eyes. Why did girls these days have no shame at all? They still have the courage to hit on any men they found attractive even though they are taken.

Talk about self-esteem. Where is their self-esteem?

But, isn't that the waitress you tried to set him up with? My conscious questions, trying to reason with me.

Hm, come to think of it, I might have or have not played cupid between them. I can still remember the look of pure shock and embarrassment on Steve's face when I asked for her number saying that he is single.

Well, I might. But that was years ago before I fall in love wi-........

My eyes went wide as realisation flashed before my eyes.

"Shit!" The word left my mouth just as I realised why I have been so hurt just by his words.

No, this can't be happening to me. I can't be like this.

But, the more I thought about it, the more it makes sense to me.

That I fucking love Steve Rogers!

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