Chapter - 12

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Tony's POV:

I sat on the stool just thinking about Cap's life. It was sad and somehow lonely. He never showed his weakness all these years and today, for the first time, he showed me his soft side.

He was vulnerable. And I really feel bad. It must've been really hard for him.

As I was deep in my train of thoughts, Clara was coming out from her room and her hair was very messy.

"Afternoon kid. Are you hungry?" I asked, ruffling her hair.

"Yeah." She groggily answered.

"Do you want a breakfast? Or should I say 'lunch'?" I smirked at her.

"Whatever." She rolled her eyes at me. She still has the energy to get annoyed at me.

"Cheerios?" I asked and she nodded as she sat on the stool beside me.

"So, did you sleep well?" I asked as I pour her some milk.

"Yup." She smiled as she took a spoonful of the cereal.

"You know, sometimes I think that you are bipolar." I remarked at her sudden mood change.

"I am not bipolar." She pouted jokingly.

"Well, someone's in a good mood, then." I pinch her cheeks which she didn't like very much.

"Uncle Tony!" She complained, as she smacked my hand away.

"What?! Can't I love my little trouble?" I pouted.

"That's not love." She said as she stick her tongue out at me.

"Then, what is it? If it is not love." I raised my eyebrows.

"It's.......uh yeah, its called being.....rude?" She asked looking very unsure, looking as innocent as ever.

"Hm, am I being rude to you?" I asked, just to see her reaction.

"Y-yeah?" She stutters, looking nervous.

I just ruffle her hair and we make some stupid conversations and I keep on making fun of her.

Spending time with little trouble is always worth it.


"What did I do to deserve this?" I complained as I comb Clara's messy blonde hair.

"Actually, you are the one who said 'I will comb it, I insist, blah blah blah' like that." She mimicked me.

"You know, that's exactly called being 'bipolar'." I replied as I keep on working on her hair.

"Call it what you want." She rolled her eyes.

"Mr.Stark, Mr.Fury asked to see you. Should I send him in?" F.R.I.D.A.Y. asked.

"Send him in." I replied.

"I will be in my room." Clara said as she leave the sitting room.

I rolled my eyes at her sudden mood change. That's called being bipolar.

"Well, well, well, Stark. How are you?" Fury asked, as he comes in followed by his two puppets, a.k.a. Hill and Red.

They took a seat opposite to me as we sit face to face with each other.

"What do you want?" I asked bluntly since I know that they want something from me again.

Hill rolled her eyes at me looking annoyed as ever while Red looks around the room as if searching for something.

Fury laughed at me.

"What's so funny?" I asked, surprised at his sudden outburst. I don't know what he found so funny.

"You know me so well. That's pretty funny, don't you think so?" He asked.

"Cut to the chase. If it is about the Avengers, then the answer is 'yes'. I would provide for all the money and, yes, I have also signed the New Accords. So, I think its quite enough." I said, looking directly into his eyes.

"Hm, nice." He smiled a genuine smile. But, from the looks of it, he still has some other 'bomb' to drop which I know would surely be affecting me.

"Fury, I don't have all day. What do you want? Let's get this over with fast." I said, slightly annoyed.

"Fine. What about Clara? Is she fine?" He asked, looking concerned.

"Yeah, she's doing great." I shrugged.

"She's always causing me trouble." I chuckled as I think about her, "I don't mind though." I added.

"So, you're getting along, I guess?" He asked looking unsure.

"We can say that. She kept me occupied." I shrugged. I can no longer be cold to him if the subject we're talking about is that little trouble.

Fury smiled and he looked at Red nudging her slightly with his arm as if to let her say something.

"Well?" He looked at Red.

"What do you want to say, red? How come you're acting like a little 'oh so shy' teenage girl who is about to tell her boyfriend that she is pregnant?" I smirked at her since I know that she is going to be pissed at me again.

But, I like pissing her off. I call it a 'habit'.

"Stark." She warned as she gave me the 'look' making me raise my hand in defeat.

"Fine. Shoot. What do you want to say? Is it about Banner? Do you want my help to get him back? Oh my God!" I said dramatically just to piss her more.

Fury just shook his head disapprovingly and said,"Oh Tony."

"Ha! She is already getting over him. Stop talking about that loser." Hill speaks up probably because she didn't want Red to lose her temper and create a scene.

"You stop talkin', agent Hill. Or should I say 'future agent Mrs.Wilson'." I smirked at her because I know that this would probably shut her up.

She gulped as she mouthed 'fuck you' to me. I fake a hurt expression and touched my chest dramatically.

"You know Hill, I will always wait for you. Even though you don't want me." I pouted at her as I know that she would be beyond 'pissed' at me.

"Wilson? As in Sam Wilson?" Fury asked disbelievingly.

"Yup." I nodded enthusiastically because I enjoy this too much. Way too much.

"Shut it, Stark." She growled.

"Maria and Sam, sitting in a tree
K-I-S-S-I-N-G." I sing song and do a little mini-dance earning an eyeroll from Red. But, I don't care at all.

"Grow up, Stark." Fury lightly scolded me trying to hide his laughter. Because he knew it all too well that Hill is growing as red as a tomato.

"And Red, don't you worry about being single. I'm pretty sure that you can be my back up just in case Pepper dump me." I joked.

"That's it Stark." Red shouted as she stood up from her seat. Probably losing her temper. Typical Red.

"What?!" I mocked.

"We are taking Clara. And that's it." She said, showing no emotion.

What the hell?!!

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