Chapter - 39

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Steve's POV:

After dropping Bruce, I headed back to the Stark Tower. And man, New York is freezing cold now.

How I hate anything related to snow!

Still, I shake off the thought as I walked inside the door.

"Man, this December is going to be so freezingly cold." I mutter to myself as I shiver in cold.

Then, I turned around as I hear the sound of glass breaking. Natasha? Why is she staring at me like I am some kind of an alien?

I also see Tony and Clara standing in the middle of the living room, eyeing me wearily.

I swallowed hard as Natasha is slowly walking towards me. She seems like she had not been sleeping as her eyes are all red. I can also tell that she is just getting out from bed as she only wears my t-shirt with her shorts, showing her smooth long legs.  She still keeps the t-shirt that I had lent her years ago?

Stop checking her out, you pervert. My conscious reminds me causing me to keep my focus only on her face.

To confuse me further, she stops a little just to stare at my face as we stand face to face with each other. Man, this is getting awkward all over again.

My eyes widen as I feel her hands tightly wrapping around my neck. She, then, lets out a small sob. "Please, don't leave me again, Steve." I hear her beg.

Leave her? What the hell is she talking about? I was gone only for a night to drop Bruce off.

But before I have the chance to tell her that I am not leaving her, the smell of strong alcohol makes me to furrow my eyebrows.

Is she drunk?

"Natasha, I....." I softly whispers, but she stops me again as she sobs. "I love you."

Okay, I get it now. She is drunk.

Slowly freeing myself from her tight embrace, I make sure to hold her shoulder. I can see that she is starting to get upset as a frown forms across her forehead.

"Are you drunk, Natasha?"

She squinted her eyes, as if carefully studying me. "Is that all you can say?" Her tone suddenly changed to a cold one.

Okay, what the hell is wrong with her? I am so confused over here.

"Huh?!" I can't help but to raise my eyebrows.

"I just make a fucking confession, swallowing all the pride in me. And yet, all you can say is 'Are you drunk, Natasha?'." She mocked me, emphasizing my words in an annoyingly girly tone.

I was taken aback by her. First, she hugged me and told me not to leave her again and now, she is angry with me.

I thought Natasha used to be funny when she is drunk, plus hopelessly flirty. But she was never the angry drunk type.

"Then, are you sick?" I get closer and felt her forehead with my palm, but it seems to be normal.

She snatches my hand away from her forehead and she took a step backwards.

"What are you doing in here?" Now, she ignores any eye contact with me. Again.

What else did she expect me to do? I furrow my eyebrows at her random question.

I know she is getting mad but I can't help but find these little things she does cute. Call me weird, but that's how I feel.

"Is this one of your pranks where you act like you're mad at me only to freak me out? Geez, Natasha. You are really doing a good job." I let out a laugh, teasingly punching at her shoulder.

This is why I love this woman. She always keeps me guessing and yet, she makes me feel at home and wanted at the same time.

A look of hurt flashes across her eyes, making me almost regret for ever coming out of the ice.

"You think I am joking?" Her nostrils flared up in anger. "Maybe I should have just left without saying any word like you and never come back again. Would you still find that funny?" I can't miss the sarcasm coming out from her mouth.

She is now shaking as some stray tears fall from her beautiful green eyes. God, what did my stupid mouth has said again that could make her this upset?

I don't know what came over me but like an instinct, I grab her small form and wrapped her around in my arms.

"I'm sorry, Nat. Forgive me." I tell her as I stroke her hair softly.

I really don't know what I apologize for but I know that she would want to hear that from me. I should keep in my mind to ask her why she suddenly behaves like that, maybe later when she is calmed down.

She fought back a little to free herself from my embrace but I make sure to hug her tight. "You always left just like that. You are such an asshole, Rogers." She sobs while hitting my chest with her hands.

I just stay silent, not in the mood to argue since she is a mess. "You're right. I am such an asshole, Nat. And, I'm sorry for that." I apologize again, rubbing small circles around the small of her back.

Soon, she stops fighting with me and she buries her face on my chest. "I'm sorry, Nat. I am very sorry." I chanted the word 'sorry' for like a million time as I noticed that it actually calms her.

Slowly taking her head away from my chest, she looks up to meet my eyes with her green ones. "I really do love you, you know." She whispers, tears rolling down from her eyes.

There, my heart went out to her. Oh God, she was actually genuine when saying that earlier. I am such an asshole.

I slowly take her small face in my hands and lean down to match her face. I can feel her breath fanning across my face. Slowly, I lean in to place a soft kiss on her forehead.

"I love you more." I huskily whisper, touching my forehead with hers.

As I wash the dishes, I can hear the sound of Natasha tiptoeing towards me.

"Morning, Nat." I greet her, earning a childish groan from her.

"How'd you know?"

A soft laugh escapes my lips as I shook my head in amusement. "Well, I can hear your heart beating." I can feel my cheeks heating up in embarrassment the moment those words left my lips.

Damn, this so called flirting is going to ruin my life someday.

A mischevious smirk tugged upon her lips. "I see you have been practising." She teases.

"Well, I try." I try shaking off the blush from my stupid face.

I looked around and hear no sound. "Where are they?" I can't help but wonder out loud.

"Learning their lessons." She simply replies.

"Natasha?" I frown at her, wanting more accurate answer.

She lets out a breath of defeat. "Fine. You just have to know that I am teaching them not to tell a lie ever again."

"Especially not to the Black Widow?" I teased, earning a scoff from her.

"Whatever." She mutters under her breath, only to make me more amused.

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