二 ; your soul knows the way

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day 1
12.54 am
lee haru

your soul knows the way

when was the last normal decent day i had?

a week ago i was pacing the school library
digging myself into books
and turning my emotions into poetry
just because i wasn't allowed to say things
that weren't able to please anyone
because that's the way i was taught to

i was always trapped in my own bubble
in my own tiny little world of make-believe

i never once minded that though
loneliness has become a part of me
my thoughts are the only ones speaking to me
comforting me, guiding me
through every thick and thin
i'm always alone with me, me, me

it's nice being alone with me, me, me

i've come to learn that
most people won't care about you
unless it means that they would benefit from it

everything changed a week ago
my parents never gave me
that much attention until then
if someone were to ask me honestly
i feel used, like nothing i say
will ever be able to change their decision

because the thing is
when you've invested so much in one thing
you tend to forget
about the other important things around you

i'm like a mere pawn in their little chess game
like a mere anchor for their business
and only god knows how much i hate that

sometimes a part of me feels that there's no escape
maybe this is the way i'm meant to live
in some rich home with rooms too big, too empty
for tiny-bodied me to wander alone
there's too much empty space,
too much unnecessary space

but i have one month to change that
one month before my life is going to be
taken away from me
and thrown into the hands of another

i'll make the most out of it

maybe a trip to my hometown?

i haven't been to busan in ages
i can only remember the small roads
the bright and colorful lights
the pretty parks and water fountains
it seems like the best place to go for now

i reach the train station
before the clock strikes one
the lady at the counter looks at me weird
but i ignore her gaze and try not to let it bother me

i don't need some mind reading ability
to guess what she's thinking:
"what's this kid doing out here
all by herself past midnight?"

i'm running away from responsibilities, miss lee

i retrieve the ticket she passes over to me
and climb onto the desired train
i take over the seat in the back
and pull up my little mask just to be safe

as the wheels begin to move
the feeling in my chest grows intense
i made it

i'm finally out

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