五十三 ; exposed

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day 19
10.11 am
lee haru


if there is one thing i got from this
so called "kidnapping'
it's that even though a real man
never backs down
it doesn't guarantee it's going to be a success
and in jeongguk's case

let's just say that his mission was a huge failure

after trying to break down the door
and attempting to pick the lock with a piece of wire
and trying to force the window open to no avail
jeongguk is sprawled over the floor
energy wiped out from his body from
the constant failed attempts

and i'm here, watching him from the corner
with an unamused expression on my face
"nice try, buddy"
i muse out through half lidded eyes

jeongguk lets out a defeated sigh
and hoists himself back up
from the cold cement ground
"let's do something else"

"what can we do?"

"since we're stuck here
we might as well do something to pass the time"

"are you seriously giving up now
you said a real man never backs do--"

"i need you girl
wae honja saranghago
honjaseoman ibyeolhae"

he's such an idiot
but god, is he precious

he begins to sing
and his beautiful voice fills the room
it sounds like the chimes of christmas bells
sweet and soothing and beautiful

the next time the door opens again
it's already 3 in the afternoon
the same three boys walk in
they give us a long and extremely
uncomfortable stare
to which i nudge jeongguk and
tell him to make a move

aka run out before they can catch us

but he doesn't get to

because one of the boys lean
down towards him
tilts his head to the side
with a confused expression on his face
then, his eyes widen with
a spark of recognition

"i know you from somewhere"

jeongguk's lips curve into a nervous smile

"i've seen you before
hey guys
doesn't he look a bit familiar to you?"

we're caught

"yes we're wanted people at the moment"
jeongguk answers frankly
and the boy furrows his eyebrows at him

and then it hits him
"heol you're from that popular boyband right
what was it called again? BTS?
you're that missing jeon jeongguk aren't you?"

"cut it out
he's probably a fake
who knows he's just some other lookalike"
the other boy says with his arms crossed
"if you really are jeon jeongguk
prove it"

i watch as jeongguk leans back
clears his throat and begins to sing lowly
"nae pittam nunmul
nae majimak chunmul da
gadjyeoga ga"
he hits the notes perfectly
and the boys' eyes widen in awe
as they start bickering

"see? i told you it was him!"

"how should i know?"

"how can you not know who your
celebrity crush is"

"yah! why are you exposing me like this"

the third boy rushes over to jeongguk
and quickly helps him up
all of a sudden the boys have halos over their heads

how unfair

they hoist him up carefully
apologising for the inconvenience
and suddenly speaking to jeongguk formally

wait what about me?

"what about me?" i question

"she's that missing girl on TV"
one of the boys say
and i shake my head

i'm just some innocent bystander
that got pulled into a dark room by people
with intentions to sell me off"
i'm being petty i know, but the look on
jeongguk's face is of pure amusement

"are you going to let me go now?"

"in exchange for a day with him" another boy says
glancing over to jeongguk
"a day with us in exchange
for your girlfriend's freedom"

"i'm not his girlfr—"


i sigh defeatedly and toss jeongguk a glare
as if saying
"i'm killing you once i get out"

he responds with a smile, as if saying
"i'm doing you a favour"

but i understand his intentions
he wants to help them
these highschool boys look so homeless that
even the clothes they're wearing have
been stolen or even scavenged
the bags on their shoulders are covered in dirt
and torn in many different places
their shoes are dirty as well
some look a bit oversized, and some undersized

the boys call jeongguk to the door
and before he goes
he leans down towards me
whispering in my ear
"i'll come back for you later"

"don't take too long"
i answer with a smile
"i might even start missing you"

he pats my head and smiles too
"i told you, a real man never backs down
we're getting out of here soon"

i nudge him on the shoulder
"go get em buddy"

he walks out
plunging the room into silence
with only my breathing and soft gentle singing
to the songs he's sung to me before
to accompany me through the afternoon

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