三 ; the bucketlist

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day 1
1.05 am
lee haru

the essential for runaways; a bucketlist

there aren't many people on the train
or maybe i'm just not used to being in one
it's my first time after all
parents wouldn't let me go on trains
because we have "better forms of transportation"
but i've done enough research
and watched enough movies to know what to do

the many empty seats are actually a relief
at least there isn't much chance
of  me getting exposed

i lean back against the chair
balling up my shaking hands
i don't know if it's like this
because i'm scared or excited or guilty
or maybe i'm just being anxious

and for some reason i find myself clinging
onto the unpredictable
like i'm eager to find out what happens in the end
it's like a book that got you hooked
once you start, you can't stop until it's finished

the walls of the train are covered up in posters
some of them are ads
some are wordings in large bold letters
and then there's that name again
the name i've been seeing everywhere for a week now

jeon jeongguk

"popular rising boygroup
bangtan sonyeondan's jeon jeongguk
has gone missing a week ago
bighit entertainment is currently
carrying out full investigation,
neither his friends or family
have heard from him since"

what if he's just like me?
running away from the world that
keeps pressing down
on his shoulders
a world that doesn't let him stop
to catch his breath
a world that can be a little too cruel sometimes

my eyelids flutter open and close
fighting the urge to let my brain shut down
and go to rest

under the lights of the train
the ring on my finger catches my attention
i won't be needing this for awhile
i pull it off and tuck it into my pocket

i pull out a small notebook
from inside my backpack
flipping over to the last page
my pen hovers over the sheet
as i stare at my calligraphic hand-writing
the immaculate words contrasted the
crinkled page that it graced itself upon

15 things to finish on this list
at least, before i reach busan

4 stops
which means
4 places i'll be at before busan
that's more than enough to
complete the entire list

1. small town suwon
2. cheongju city
3. folk village andong
4. marvelous daegu

#1 kiss a stranger

unlike all the others girls at school
never have i ever kissed a boy
or been kissed by one
there's even less to say about going on dates

i don't know why i put this on my list as #1
maybe i've been reading too much
listened to too many songs about
people finding love and falling into it
maybe i just hope too much

while girls my age were out there
drinking themselves through the night
and sleeping around with random boys
i was there stuck to my bedroom chair
eyes glued
on the last suspenseful chapter of a book

like a nerd

boys just aren't my forte

but either way
my first kiss is going to be taken
by a man i don't even know
so what difference would it make, right?

there's no harm to try
i might just hope to get a little fun out of this
if i can

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